Sociological approaches to defining the concept of early intervention



  • Valeria Yu. Serebryakova Center for Complex Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities, 35, Vstrechnaya st., Perm, 614065, Russia



childhood disability, prevention of childhood disability, early intervention for children and families


The article examines sociological approaches to the concept of «early intervention», highlighting a variety of scientific perspectives offered by different authors. In light of the growing problem of disability among children, the paper substantiates the need for rethinking this issue within innovative paradigms of the understanding of childhood disability and approaches to its prevention. In modern conditions, it is highly relevant to create a comprehensive system for the prevention of childhood disability and the dissemination of modern preventive technologies. The article explores the history and development of early intervention, as well as its specifics in modern Russian practice. Based on the available data on the current state of early intervention in Russia, the author stresses the objective need for the development and popularization of early intervention services in order to prevent childhood disability. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the term «early intervention» from the perspective of sociological approaches and its correspondence to foreign models. The insufficient sociological conceptualization of the term necessitates an analysis of its essence and specific features in the context of macro-sociological approaches: systemic, structural-functional, institutional, and others. The study shows early intervention to be emerging services based on generally accepted social practice with certain system-forming, structural, and functional characteristics. The main elements of early intervention are macro, exo, meso and micro levels, as well as the main structural elements and functions of the system for the prevention of childhood disability. The author notes the process of institutionalization of early intervention in the existing Russian conditions, makes an attempt to identify and describe the main stages of institutionalization of early intervention.

Author Biography

Valeria Yu. Serebryakova, Center for Complex Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities, 35, Vstrechnaya st., Perm, 614065, Russia

Methodist, Regional Resource-Methodological Center


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