The relationship between the social and cultural capitals of students
social capital, cultural capital, factor, relationship, extracurricular activities, studentsAbstract
The article examines the definitions of social and cultural capital through the prism of sociological science. The types of social capital are also given: open and closed. Types of cultural: incorporated, objectified and institutionalized. Emphasis is placed on the main factors of social capital - trust, norms of reciprocity and social networks. Robert Putnam identifies indicators on the basis of which the level of social capital can be measured. The authors defined habitus as one of the important indicators of the formation of cultural capital. The article identifies factors that influence cultural education. The factors are as follows: level of education, environment and family, social circle. The importance of social and cultural capital for students has been updated. The ratio of capitals is considered in the context of socio-economic conditions. Through the functions of capitals, their interrelation and influence on each other is revealed. Also based on the specifics of capital formation, the authors determined their relationship in the student environment. An assumption has been made about why these types of capital are unevenly distributed in society. The authors also found that closed social capital in conjunction with incorporated cultural capital contributes to the development of intragroup trust. Extracurricular activities are highlighted as a factor in the connection between cultural and social capital. The family heirloom is the aspect in which capitals are combined. Folk art (folklore) is presented as a factor that unites capital. Education is the embodiment of cultural capital in incorporated form. The authors define post-industrial society in order to further indicate it as a connecting element. The methodology of the work is the structural-functional approach of Pierre Bourdieu.References
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