Changes of gender stereotypes throughout the maturing
gender stereotypes, maturing scenarios, upbringing models, identificationAbstract
The maturing process research needs a multidisciplinary approach. Such an approach is represented inherently in psychology, sociology, anthropology, pedagogy, social history, medicine. However, all these disciplines must be taking into account when one needs to understand the contemporary processes of maturing. In the last decade, a new discipline integrating aforementioned sciences is emerged which is aimed at the study of maturing itself. The maturing of young people is a general and necessary condition of the reproduction of any society. Cultures and historical epochs establish and interpret the maturing process according to their own features;as a result, it’s difficult to elucidate conceptually the general process of maturing. The article puts forward the issue of gender differences in the maturing in Slovenia and Europe. Moreover, the reproduction of gender features during the maturing in the context of neoliberal ideology based on individualization, personal choice, personal responsibility, human rights is considered in the article. Contemporary developmental psychology models have taken the prevalent neoliberal discourse which explicates all the rights to be equal for everyone which leads to the smoothing of the ratio of the authority to the inequality.References
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