Contemporary sociobiological crisis as techno-humanitarian disbalance
sociobiological crisis, adaptation, coevolution, «techno-humanitarian balance», desynchronization, stress, information ecologyAbstract
The subject of the article is phenomenon of sociobiological crisis. Its complex nature is shown and integrative mechanisms are revealed. The crisis is defined as the stage of escalation of the contradiction between the social and the biological, the break of their co-evolution. Nowadays technological growth appears the main reason forit. It, apparently, breaks an important co-evolutionary mechanism, which A.P. Nazaretyan called «technohumanitarian balance». It is shown that the current crisis can be regarded as its «shadow» side, a kind of disbalance. Due to the nature of modern technology it is primarily manifested in the information abundance,which we propose to call «information inflation». As a result, the human psychic appears the object of the systematic stress, which may lead not only to increase of mental disorders but also somatic ones. «Internal» imbalance is complemented by an «external» one that is associated with the degradation of the natural environment and the emergence of a global techno- and info-sphere. We conclude that only growth of awareness in the use of new technologies, development of planning processes and the establishment of an information ecology can help co-evolution to return its sustainability and to restore balance.References
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