Game as a foundation of the classical and non-classical aesthetic experience



  • Fatima N. Nagoy Volgograd branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 8, Gagarin str., Volgograd, 400131, Russia


aesthetic experience, a game, philosophy of art, culture, realism, romanticism, rationalism, irrationalism


The article is devoted to aesthetics as a philosophical discipline, including the study of theories of origin and vocation of art where one of the key concepts is the game. The author executes a short historical and philosophical analysis of the changes and the accumulation of meanings of given concept and gives a comparative description of its sound in the frame of classical and non-classical understanding of the aesthetic experience. Special attention is paid to the modern aesthetic situation of coexistence of mentioned approaches. In this context, the game — support understanding of culture, culture itself becomes a free game character, the game is treated as an important characteristic of human existence, and is a characteristic of elite culture. Aesthetic experience is seen as an expression of individual moral principles that allow to distinguish between game and non-game.

Author Biography

Fatima N. Nagoy, Volgograd branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; 8, Gagarin str., Volgograd, 400131, Russia

D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Sociology


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