Fabric Dyeing Vocabulary in Russian Dialects of the Perm Region
Russian dialects of the Perm region; handcraft vocabulary; weaving; cloth; dye; dyeing techniques.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of lexical units related to the dyeing of threads and fabrics in the traditional peasant economy of the Perm region’s inhabitants. Homemade threads and fabrics (linen and woolen), often being unattractive in color, were treated with various improvised dyes. There are a large number of words related to the thematic group ‘Dyeing of fabrics’ noted in the Permian dialects. The article analyzes lexical units that have the meanings ‘to dye, to impart color’, ‘names of fabrics by color’, ‘characteristics of fabrics by color and pattern’, ‘pattern, coloring of fabrics’; the names of dyes and coloring materials are considered, and also the names of people engaged in this craft. The author of the article comes to a conclusion that the vocabulary related to the manufacture and dyeing of fabric is a valuable source for studying the life of peasants in the Perm region, their aesthetic ideas. The presence of a large number of lexical units of this thematic group indicates the desire to make fabrics and clothes from them not only comfortable to use but also beautiful. Vocabulary related to the production of fabrics by peasants mainly comprises originally Russian words. Many words of this group are found in other Russian dialects, but some of them are specific to the territory of the Kama region. These are lexemes of purely Russian origin that appeared as a result of new meanings developing in words or due to the formation of new words with the help of affixes. The vocabulary of fabric dyeing is connected with other thematic groups in the dialect lexical system, different names of clothing are often formed from the names of dyed fabrics.References
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