



idiostyle, delinearization, stylistic device, language deviation, interlingual translation.


The paper aims at studying text delinearization as one of the key techniques used by J. Joyce in Ulysses, which is especially important for the complex description of the writer’s idiostyle. Text formal and content coherence principles are found to be frequently violated, which inevitably leads to an increase in associative density of the novel and requires active co-creation from the novel’s reader. Four types of delinearization are distinguished and analyzed: semantic discontinuity, breaking of semntic and grammatical collocation norms, code switching and semantic polyphony. There are observed some differences depending on the gender type of the material. Multiple intentional deviations from language norms at all levels give rise to unexpected meanings allowing for multiple interpretation and cause certain difficulties in the process of interlingual translation. In particular, loss of grammatical amorphism, expressivity changes, expanding or narrowing of the semantic scope of translated sentences turn to be unavoidable.

Author Biography

Евгения Андреевна Наугольных (Evgeniya A. Naugolnykh), Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy

Associate Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages


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How to Cite

Наугольных (Evgeniya A. Naugolnykh) Е. А. (2017). ON DELINEARIZATION OF MODERNIST LITERARY TEXT (Based on Ulysses by James Joyce). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.17072/2037-6681-2017-1-63-67

