



bilingualism, Komi-Permyaks, Russian spontaneous speech, lexis, thematic groups.


The paper deals with the usage of lexical units belonging to different idioms and temporal strata, as well as with the distribution of units of different idioms across thematic groups in Russian spontaneous speech of the Komi-Permyaks residing within the Perm Krai territory. The analyzed material included 47 spontaneous monologues produced by the Komi-Permyak bilinguals. The analysis of the texts proved that, except literary Russian lexical units, the monologues contain: 1) the Komi-Permyak words (determined by the influence of the bilingual environment); 2) words belonging to the non-literary forms of the Russian language (dialect, vernacular, colloquial, professional lexis); 3) archaic words; 4) occasional word usages. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the research material revealed a sufficiently large layer of non-literary lexis belonging to different idioms (both of the Russian and Komi-Permyak languages) and related to different thematic groups. The semantic “nucleus” of non-literary lexical units in spontaneous Russian speech of the Komi-Permyaks is formed by colloquial lexis that is thematically connected to vernacular lexis. The dialect Russian lexis is also very significant for the semantic structure of texts, as it provides semantic links with the Komi-Permyak linguistic consciousness. The thematic unity of the Komi-Permyak and dialect lexis reveals close interaction between the Komi-Permyak culture and the culture of a Russian village (both historical and present). Both lexis layers are important for the Komi-Permyaks’ national self-identification as ones that describe fragments of the worldview connected with traditional culture and lifestyle.

Author Biographies

Елена Валентиновна Ерофеева (Elena V. Erofeeva), Perm State University

Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Тамара Ивановна Ерофеева (Tamara I. Erofeeva), Perm State University

Professor in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics


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How to Cite

Ерофеева (Elena V. Erofeeva) Е. В., & Ерофеева (Tamara I. Erofeeva) Т. И. (2018). KOMI-PERMYAKS’ RUSSIAN SPEECH: LEXICAL ASPECT. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 9(4). https://doi.org/10.17072/2037-6681-2017-4-48-58




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