
  • Екатерина Олеговна Косарева (Ekaterina O. Kosareva) Saint Petersburg State University


local adverbs, place deixis, time deixis, everyday speech, semantics.


The article covers the research into deictic local adverbs, which are used in everyday communication of native Russian speakers. The research is based on analysis of statistical data collected while processing the material of the ORD Speech Corpus of Russian Everyday Communication. Similar researches have already been conducted before, in particular on the material of the Russian National Corpus. However, the peculiarities of the ORD corpus allow us to uncover new features and regularities in functioning of the studied units in speech. The author examines the concept of spatial deixis and a system of adverbs which present it in the Russian language, and gives the most frequent cases of their use. In addition to the basic – local – semantics of adverbs of this group, possible cases of their nonlocal (temporal, situational) meanings are described. Basing on the analysis of quantitative indexes, such as frequency of use and percentage correlation of the units studied, we come to the conclusion about preferences of native speakers in the choice of adverbs in everyday communication.

Author Biography

Екатерина Олеговна Косарева (Ekaterina O. Kosareva), Saint Petersburg State University

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Косарева (Ekaterina O. Kosareva) Е. О. (2017). FREQUENCY OF DEICTIC LOCAL ADVERBS IN EVERYDAY SPEECH. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, (1). Retrieved from

