THESAURUS MODELING TO PRESENT INTERLINGUOCULTURAL WORLDVIEW (Based on the Material of Works by Russian Francophone Writers)
linguoculture, interlingual culture, interlinguocultural worldview, interlinguocultural identity, realia, xenonym, thesaurus.Abstract
The article describes thesaurus modeling of ways to present interlinguocultural (Russian and French) worldview. The research is of current interest due to the increasing popularity of applying computer modeling techniques, in particular various databases, in linguistics, as well as due to the tendency towards studies of the intercultural aspect in language, particularly towards studying the representation of intercultural objects at the lexical level of language.The object of this research work is the interlingual cultural worldview and its main units – xenonyms. In the present paper, these are the linguistic units that are used to introduce Russian realia into French text. In the course of research, we verified our initial hypothesis that a set of such units can be typified. A content classification was developed for xenonyms found in texts of Russian francophone writers: Irène Némirovsky, Henri Troyat, Andreï Makine. The classification includes 8 subgroups: objects of onomastics, utterances with a high linguocultural density, names of Soviet organizations and institutions, precedential phenomena, linguocultural types, social roles and professions, elements of folk culture and realia themselves. We have also determined the technics the Russian authors used for the semantization of xenonyms in the foreign language text. The analysis of the data obtained allowed us to find a correlation between the types of xenonyms and optimal technics of their semantization. A computer-based thesaurus was designed for the formalization of the results obtained. The database for the thesaurus was described in the document store MongoDB with the use of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), which is a language-independent data format. Based on the analysis of text of French novels, a thesaurus was created that contains 203 objects.References
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