The Artistic World of a Philosophical Fairy Tale: Realia in the Works of G. M. Tsyferov and S. G. Kozlov
G. M. Tsyferov; S. G. Kozlov; philosophical fairy tale; Russian literature for children; realia.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the types and functions of realia presented in the philosophical fairy tales written by G. M. Tsyferov and S. G. Kozlov. Their works, focusing on moral issues, depict the world through contrasting the existential and the everyday, which necessitates the study of the authors’ ways of representing the signs of their epoch. A motive analysis carried out in the paper takes into account the cultural and historical situation and shows that S. Kozlov’s cycle of fairy tales represents the home space and the corresponding household realia, gaining a cosmic scale and thereby affirming the idea of the universe as a common home, while G. Tsyferov’s works depict similar objects in connection with the problem of growing up and becoming a socially active person, prioritizing the study of modern city realia which convey the idea of striving for goodness and beauty as the basis of historical transformations. Both writers turn to the sphere of culture, but there is a distinction: G. Tsyferov appeals to the life experience of the addressee, encourages them to rethink familiar objects, building associative chains and actualizing the didactic function of humor, while S. Kozlov attracts the reader’s attention to absolutely new information, noting the specifics of the realia of different cultures, thereby stimulating interest in a different type of worldview and explaining the possibility of contacting this worldview on the basis of common values. The paper concludes that the characteristics of realia introduced into the artistic world of a philosophical fairy tale change depending on the psychological and age characteristics of the addressee and the ideological and aesthetic views of the author, but in any case, the establishment of such a connection with reality makes it possible to reveal the ideological component of works devoted to existential problems.References
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