Representation of Values in Social Advertising
values; anti-values; social advertising; anti-terrorist advertising; family advertising; health and wellness advertising; the image of the world.Abstract
Values play an important role in human life, determining a person’s perception of the world, development, and behavior. The present research is in line with current trends: a search for sources of value formation as well as social construction of values at the state and municipal levels. These are necessary conditions for producing effective advertising that serves state policy on the preservation and strengthening of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, which is especially important in the context of the collapse of value-based cultural stereotypes in the European space. The material for the study was collected from various media banks on the Internet by a continuous sampling method and further analyzed with the use of descriptive-analytical and descriptive-comparative research methods. The author notes the prevalence of personal values over public ones, which must be considered in the creation of social advertising. The novelty of the approach lies in the analysis of social advertising as one of the factors in the formation of a personal value system. The main purpose of social advertising is to identify social problems and ways to solve them, often using the contrast of values and anti-values. Social advertising includes many types, such as anti-terrorist, family, intergenerational, health and healthy lifestyle, security advertising. The features of social advertising are a combination of verbal and nonverbal (audiovisual) components as well as the use of antithesis and rhyming slogans, which is realized in the opposition ‘value – anti-value’. The use of a suggestive potential of poetic text makes it possible to construct a ‘correct’ model of behavior in socially significant situations. The use of an antithesis corresponds to two types of fragments of the represented reality: problematic and ideal. The author concludes that social advertising contributes to the formation of a certain value sphere, which is part of the image of the world as perceived by a person.References
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