Pushkin, Chinese literature, functioning, reception, translation, periodization.Abstract
Pushkin is among the writers whose works remain relevant in many countries for many decades. In China, the interest of readers and researchers in the poet’s biography and his artistic world has been steadily increasing since the moment Pushkin’s works first appeared there. This article considers three stages in the study of Pushkin’s biography and works in China. The research shows how the perception of Pushkin’s works depends on the historical and sociocultural situation.The article covers works by key Chinese researchers. The author analyzes specific features of methodological approaches to studying Pushkin’s writings in a wide range of works by Chinese scholars, and shows the main vectors in the development of methodology of literary studies in the 20th century, and especially at the present stage of the humanities development.The article also shows how the changes in Chinese culture over the last hundred years influenced the formation and functioning of the image of Pushkin, as well as perception of his works in China. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that these changes have been caused by historical and socio-cultural shifts. Special attention is paid to the contemporary stage in the study of Pushkin's works by Chinese researchers of Russian culture and literature.References
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