Developing a resource model of conflict
conflict, resource exchange, interaction, confrontation, behavioral strategies, hyperfocusAbstract
In the context of simultaneous globalization and polarization of modern society, there comes to the fore the problem of searching for causes of emerging conflicts in the essence of information-resource exchange processes between the parties involved in interaction. In this scientific article the author proposes a resource model of conflict that would allow the most accurate identification of such causes and the selection of appropriate measures to prevent conflict situations. The model is based on the following premises. The main premise is that any system strives for a balanced state and is able to achieve it through exchange operations between its various elements, while a conflict situation occurs whenever such a state cannot be achieved. An auxiliary premise is the statement about the sufficiency of two participating parties to identify the value of certain resources and stabilize the interaction process, without the need to involve a third party. The proposed resource model of conflict is built on the basis of functional pairs, which include a pair of interacting parties «Personality – World» as well as two pairs of key functions of the resource exchange process «Request – Initiative» and «Acceptance – Giving». Accordingly, the author studied four functional quadrants in the model’s frame, clarifying the cause and specifics of the conflict. Also, she described the properties of their normal and abnormal states. The study also considers the behavioral strategies of the conflict participants corresponding to the resource exchange functions and identifies the reasons behind their preference for a particular behavioral strategy. In addition, the author proposes measures to reduce the level of conflict resulting from overstrain and hyperfocus on one or another type of functional interaction.References
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