The problem of defining and formation of anti-value: a methodological aspect



  • Nicolay I. Petev Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, 87, Gorky st., Vladimir, 600000, Russia



value, anti-value, binary opposition, autonomy, deprivation, dialectics, dualism, generic relationship, definition


The paper is related to popularization of the phenomenon of anti-value. The main problem of the article is defining anti-value as a radical opposition to value being an axiologically positive phenomenon. In such a paradigm, the former is not just negative but «value-destroying», that is, it is full of destructive tendencies. Moreover, it is radically separated from value, which makes it possible to establish autonomy for it. This implies a certain isolation of anti-value from value. In such a paradigm, there arises a question of defining anti-value as well as the problem of its relationship with value. The study aims to analyze the possibility of formulating a definition of anti-value having its own basis but at the same time not going beyond the axiological sphere. The author employs dialectical, comparative, ethical methods of analysis along with the modeling method. The possibility of defining anti-value is analyzed in the article within the paradigm of its identification with deprivation and condition, with the use of the dualistic and dialectical principle in conjunction with an existential perspective. In addition, the paper considers the model of radical autonomy of anti-value. The author comes to the following conclusions: 1. The dialectical principle does not allow the formation of the concept of anti-value because it is the formation of value that results from development. 2. Considering anti-value as deprivation leads to its direct dependence on value, thereby excluding the autonomy of the former. 3. The analysis of anti-value as a condition also reveals its dependence on value. 4. The model of radical autonomy shows its inadequacy for the formation of a definition. 5. The dualistic approach not only does not solve the problem of defining anti-value but, on the contrary, causes even more problematic issues. 6. The existential approach reveals the redundancy, excessiveness, and groundlessness of introducing anti-value into the system.

Author Biography

Nicolay I. Petev, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, 87, Gorky st., Vladimir, 600000, Russia

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies


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