On the fundamental (im)possibility of strong artificial intelligence
Light and shadows of digital reality: the artificial and the natural
social paradigm, scientific paradigm, artificial intelligence, strong artificial intelligenceAbstract
The drastic changes taking place in the world affect not only the geopolitical or geo-economic level but also all others related to the arrangement of mankind’s existence on the planet. Obviously, such transformations will lead to a change in both the social and scientific paradigms. And this process is already happening. The Age of Enlightenment as a social paradigm, as well as the scientific paradigm that developed during the scientific revolution of the 17th century, has exhausted its potential. This means that their principles are insufficient to explain the processes that occur in the modern world and science. It is in this context that the problem of creating strong Artificial Intelligence (AI) should be considered. In the article, this problem is presented in such a way that, from the standpoint of the interval approach, such a possibility is preserved in a certain sense when the problem is changed, reformulated. At the same time, the paper presents substantial, not to say fundamental, arguments to justify the impossibility of its resolution in the existing paradigm. And there is no logical, epistemological, or ontological contradiction in this. In the first case, as evidenced by the history of science, it has always managed to find a solution to «unsolvable» problems. Science did this by rethinking the problem itself, by creating new methodologies, methods, and technologies. In the second case, science became aware of the problem itself and the fundamental impossibility of solving it in the old paradigm, and it overcame these limitations through philosophy. The article shows that using the problem of strong AI.References
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