Determination of strategically important directions in the work of the psychological service at a medical university
medical university students, doctors, emotional burnout syndrome, psychological assistance, the ability to feel empathy, professional motivation, psychological service at a medical universityAbstract
The paper discusses the relevance for modern medicine of developed and effective communication skills in doctors. The psychological competence of a doctor is presented as an important factor in the effectiveness of the therapeutic process, the basis for the formation of patient compliance, which is especially important in modern high-tech medicine. It is noted that insufficient attention to these competencies in the process of studying at a medical university can be a prerequisite for professional deformation and emotional burnout of future doctors. As our research shows, by senior years, a significant part of medical students have symptoms of emotional burnout and reduced levels of empathy. Studies on professional orientation of medical university applicants and junior students also show a reduced interest in the field of «person-to-person» activity. Thus, the paper reveals the importance of the organization of psychological services at medical universities and determines the main strategies for their operation. With regard to the process of psychological work with students of medical professions, it is proposed to pay attention to their deeper understanding of their profession as an activity that requires effective communication skills and empathy, and it is also essential to provide the teaching of psychological disciplines to them.References
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