Role of mass media in formation of stereotypes of mass consciousness
mass consciousness, mass media, stereotype, influence on mass consciousnessAbstract
Mass media are one of the main mechanisms of influence on mass consciousness. At the same time mass media manipulate and operate mass consciousness by stereotypes. The process of formation of stereotypes in mass consciousness is considered in this article. Stereotype system is not neutral, it is bad or good thing about something or somebody. Stereotype is not the same as individual life experience. Furthermore less educated and urban people are not critical persons. They are subject to manipulation in the media. There are different types of stereotypes. Political stereotypes shape attitudes to the countries or to the leaders of the country. Ethnic stereotypes reflect both the emotional and evaluative attitude towards representatives of ethnic groups and the knowledge itself of this group. Gender stereotypes form notions of feminine and masculine social roles. Stereotypes contend the traditional family model with a patriarchal division of roles, where the husband - breadwinner and the wife — housewife. Nowadays gender stereotypes like this are thing of the past. Stereotypes are an integral part of the mass consciousness. Due to the fact that the stereotype is closely connected with the life of society, and separately with different groups of people to manipulate the mass consciousness becomes easier. Therefore, the information broadcast media, has turned into a kind of instrument of manipulation and the imposition of a certain relationship to the different events and social activities, as well as broadcasting stereotypical attitudes.References
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