Physical reductionism of Rudolf Carnap



  • Dmitriy P. Surovyagin Saratov State Academy of Law; 104, Chernyshevskogo str., Saratov, 410056, Russia


physical reductionism, Carnap, epistemology, philosophy of science


In the article “Physical Reductionism by Rudolf Carnap” the main statements of the conception of science logic are analyzed. On the grounds of results of analysis the following statements are affirmed: 1) while we consider reductionism critically we should take to account conventionalism that Carnap suggests to follow in the epistemology; 2) universality of physical reductionism means that the language of physics is universal and gives the foundation for building a united system of science, though it does not exclude specification of particular subjects; 3) for epistemological analysis of science it is necessary to postulate the systematic nature of the language of physics and to discuss basing on this special feature; that is why the statements of physicalism concern not real situation in science, but the abstract model of scientific language.


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