Personality as integrator of culture



  • Olga P. Skidan Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov; 2, Lomonoson av., Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia
  • Marina V. Nenasheva Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov; 2, Lomonoson av., Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia


education, person, modern culture, social character, value meaning, practical action, personal growth, spiritual development


In the article it goes about the origin and action in the modern culture of one of the leading tendency — distribution of operational and functional approach to the perception and understanding of reality. In the article are investigated the results of this approach to education: the person is interpreted as a sum of social functions, the interpersonal relationships — as a communicative and competent behavior, the understanding is substituted the possession of information, so personal value meaning is smoothed and becomes subordinated to practical action and its result. The task of recreating of the cultural potential is excluded from education and the education becomes only a mechanism for satisfaction of the economic needs of the society. In the article is considered the anthropological approach, which declares the spiritual unity of the person. The person is understood as an integrator of spiritual and cultural values and it sets the problem of the choice of the positive ground of this integration. This approach is proposed as a key line of the education development and as an adequate to its cultural character.


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