Features self-regulation of students with different orientation of the components predicting the outcome of the situation on the exam



  • Olga A. Zhuchenko Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy; 11, Studencheskaya str., Izhevsk, 426069, Udmurt Republic, Russia


prediction the outcome of a situation, self-regulation, stressful situation, exam at the university


The structural elements of self-regulation that determine the direction of the components prediction the outcome of a situation in stressful conditions (for example, in the university exam) are analyzed in the article. Correlation of assessing results and programming and modeling determines the adequacy of prediction the outcome of the situation. The structure of the self-regulation of people with under-reporting components prediction outcome of the situation is distinguishes correlation of programming and independence. In the group overstated components prediction the outcome of the situation distinctive features have been identified.


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