Toleration: pro et contra
toleration, justification and critique, argument, liberalism, communitarianism, postmodernismAbstract
This article aims to survey key arguments for toleration as moral virtue of modern societies and those theories in contemporary political philosophy that argue against toleration as a value or attitude anyone should promote and defend. The article starts with P. Nicholson’s definition of tolerance to specify the value, then I review D. Heyd’s theory that describes the logic of tolerant consciousness. J. Locke’s, J.S. Mill’s and P. Nicholson’s ideas are considered in order to construct a cogent liberal argument for toleration. In the last part of the article I try to render communitarian (M. Sandel, Ch. Taylor), postmarxist (H. Marcuse) and postliberal (J. Gray) critique of toleration.References
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