Religious education in modern multi-religious space (socio-cultural aspect)
religious education, educational functions, evangelical сhristians-baptists, Christians seventh-day Adventists, protestantsAbstract
The article is devoted to religious education and participation in this process two Perm Protestant groups: Evangelical Christians-Baptists and Christians, seventh-day Adventists. Speaking of religious education can be noted that knowledge play a supporting role here, it is based, first of all, education through religious actionsand create a specific lifestyle of a Christian person, as well as the satisfaction of spiritual needs of man and his needs in the religious experience. The most important function of religious education and values in religious education carries the transmission of religious paradigms and value systems. Regardless of the position of the government towards the question of religious education themselves confessions pay much attention to these issues. The study showed the importance of the existence of religious education and active participation in the process of religious education of the Perm Evangelical Christians-Baptists and seventh-day AdventistsReferences
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