The devaluation of international law. The first paper: Phenomenology and doctrinal factors of legal nihilism and double standards within the sphere of international relations
the crisis of international law, legal nihilism, double standards, human rights, sovereigntyAbstract
The crisis of international law is an important aspect of the crisis of modern civilization. This is expressed by inability of international law to respond to modern challenges and to ensure a stable world order. The contradiction between the growing challenges facing humanity and the state of international law is one of the reasons for the extension of the crisis of modern civilization. The author draws a phenomenological analysis of the crisis of international law, shows that the demonstrative violation of the principles of international law and practice of double standards in the application of international law is becoming widespread phenomenon in the foreign policy of the great powers. According to the author, some doctrinal factors support the emergence and the spread of the illegal culture in the international relations. Especially this is the lack of a clearly defined mechanism for implementing the principles of international law, the conflict between these principles, the deficiencies of the rights.References
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