Creative experience as an integral component of the creative potential of personality during late adulthood
experience, creative experience, creativity, creative genius, creative personalityAbstract
The article has methodological meaning for research of the personality creative potential during late adulthood. The article reveals the creative experience in the structure of personality’s creative potential. Creative experience is presented as a resource in the development and enhance of personality’s creative capacity in late adulthood. Creativity is interpreted as an ambivalent, in its nature, phenomenon, where, on the one hand there is a «confrontation» between creativity, as a nonlinear process (innovation, originality, novelty, change, transformation, etc.) and on the other — stereotyped (a linear process), which entails a standard, formal look at longlasting things, «proved» by the practice of life (experience) and approved as the only «correct» sequence of actions.Reflection of creative experience is characterized through the perception of this experience by the older person, which can be either as the passive-contemplative (when the feeling of unclaimed and uselessness is prevailing) or as actively-operating (when a person is included into creative activities) nature of the relationships of a person to his or her own creative experience.References
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