Strategy of social self-determination of youth in the framework of axiological contradictions of Russian transient society



  • Anton Vital’evich Bezrukov Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia



social self-determination, youth kumatoid, «semantic core», «shell of values», self-determination strategy, «dynamic» society, «static» society


The article deals elaborates the category of «social self-determination», giving conceptual model of its threecomponents structure and functions. On the basis of the selected axiological contradictions classification of strategies of social self-determination of young people is given. On the basis of its expanded internal and external axiological contradictions between the activity of the youth and the social order are described. Model of axiological contradictions is revealing the materials tested on The European Social Survey. On the basis of secondary data analysis the article describes trends in young people's value system in the Russian Federation and the Perm region, considered as a dynamically developing region of country. Differences of intergenerational axiological models of youth and adultsare shown. Reported differences in the ratio of «change of values» and «conservation values» youth of the Perm region against the backdrop of the Russian Federation as a whole are noted. Finally, it describes the relationship of freedom of self-determination of young people to the level of social development. The attention is focused on thethreat of growing conformism among the youth, which is positively connected with the growth of contentment with the Russian economy, government, democracy and life in whole. It makes conclusion about axiological statics and growth of closeness of Russian society.

Author Biography

Anton Vital’evich Bezrukov , Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Sociology


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