The history of philosophy in the context of the Enlightenment paradigm: the typology of systems



  • Artem Alexandrovich Krotov Lomonosov Moscow State University, 27/4, Lomonosovsky av., Moscow, 119991, Russia



philosophy of the Enlightenmen, philosophy of the history of philosophy, Condillac, French philosophy


The article examines the conception of the history of philosophy of E.B. Condillac, who was the classic author of philosophy of the Enlightenment, and brings up the question about the significance of his conception in European intellectual history and its applicability in our time. The doctrine of French thinker about three types of systems, his ideas about historical change of different doctrines are discussed. For Condillac the history of philosophy is important primarily as a means to avoid errors and prejudices of the past. Since the vector of veritable direction is set by sensual gnoseology, the history of philosophy in Condillac’s writings is necessarily presented in a rather schematic form, to a certain extent even reduced to few statements. The history, subordinated to adopted scheme, eliminates numerous details, nuances, shades, dissolving them in the generalizations typical of the Enlightenment paradigm. Through the prism of the theory of progress in its special refraction is absolutely missed the continuity between philosophical eras, as well as the significance of many achievements of previous thinkers. At the same time many members of educated society in their judgment about the past of philosophy as well as about its prospects were based on the writings of Condillac. In this respect, the study of the intellectual atmosphere of the Enlightenment, claiming to be comprehensive, should not ignore Condillac’s statements. They are also important for understanding the consciousness of the Enlightenment philosophy,seeking to comprehend its place in world history. Moreover principle of exposure in the philosophical development the universal content that could be presented in the form of a specific typology of systems, does not look outdated and irrelevant. The shortcomings inherent in the approach of French philosopher, being organically included in the picture of the world of the Modern history, allow doing more precise systematizations inthe sphere of the history of philosophy. 

Author Biography

Artem Alexandrovich Krotov , Lomonosov Moscow State University, 27/4, Lomonosovsky av., Moscow, 119991, Russia

Doctor of Philosophy, Docent,Head of the Department of History and Theoryof World Culture


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