Phenomenological designing of intersubjective lifeworld of military service in the context of background practices



  • Yuriy A. Panasenko Branch of Military Training Scientific Center of Military Air Forces «Military Air Academy named after prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin» in Chelyabinsk, 1, Gorodok-11, Chelyabinsk, 454015, Russia



phenomenology, institutionalization, intersubjectivity, lifeworld, military service, intentionality, objectivity, «inscription», « readiness-to-hand», background practices


The paper examines the phenomena of «inscription» and «readiness-to-hand» in the «lifeworld». The author uses the basic definition of the «lifeworld» as the world of the natural attitude of consciousness, the cumulative characteristic of the individual’s being. The material of the research is the lifeworld of military service. Three social levels of military communication are identified and linked with background practices. The process of the phenomenological designing of the intersubjective lifeworld of military service, emanating from the three basic definitions of the lifeworld, is described. It is possible to perceive new aspects of the culture of military service in the context of intersubjectivity as the most important conceptual innovation of social phenomenology. The concept of intentionality is considered in relation to the concept of intersubjectivity. The communicative-semantic approach to the analysis of the social worldwithin the framework of social phenomenology is presented. Special attention is paid to characteristic features of objectivity and intentionality. The designing of the lifeworld of military service is performed with three main factors, such as consistency, a stable chain of basic values, and diachronic-synchronous maintenance of basic values, being considered. The values employed to sustain the integral structure of the lifeworld of military service have been determined. The connection between the phenomenon «culture of military service» and culture and profession is analyzed.

Author Biography

Yuriy A. Panasenko, Branch of Military Training Scientific Center of Military Air Forces «Military Air Academy named after prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin» in Chelyabinsk, 1, Gorodok-11, Chelyabinsk, 454015, Russia

Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Docent,Deputy Head in Training and Science


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