Features of verbal and non-verbal creativity of students who specialize in social sciences and arts



  • Ekaterina V. Dudorova Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia
  • Svetlana V. Shumkova Prikamsky Social Institute, 98a, Kuybyshev str., Perm, 614010, Russia




verbal and non-verbal creativity, specialization, professionalization, type of education


The article considers the idea of differentiating the features of creativity according to the type of professionalization, with focus on the manifestations of verbal and non-verbal creativity. The study embraced 66 female students who differed in their training specialization (artistic or social). Their non-verbal creativity was measured with the help of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT), and verbal creativity — with J. Guilford’s verbal test of creative thinking «Alternative Uses Task». The results of Mann–Whitney U test have shown that students with social and artistic specializations differ in all the parameters of verbal creativity (fluency, flexibility, originality) and in two parameters of non-verbal creativity (originality and degree of development). The received results support the idea of E.A. Klimov that the type of professionalization may be associated with the features of creativity manifestations. The research results may be interpreted as an evidence of the idea that artistic and social types of professionalization are connected with different manifestations of verbal creativity, as well as non-verbal parameters of creativity (originality and degree of development). The parameters of non-verbal creativity — fluency and flexibility — are probably «common conditions» for the artistic and social types of specialization. 

Author Biographies

Ekaterina V. Dudorova, Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professorof the Department of Developmental Psychology

Svetlana V. Shumkova, Prikamsky Social Institute, 98a, Kuybyshev str., Perm, 614010, Russia

Junior Researcher, Senior Lecturerof the Department of Psychology and Pedagogics


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