A Sociological View of Social Justice as a Rule of Law
social justice, law, legal justice, liberal project of social justice, conservative project of social justice, rule of law, social stateAbstract
The notion of social justice in modern law is considered. Different aspects are noted: connection of social justice with social state, legal state, civilizational specificity, historical features. The question of significance of the choice between legality and legitimacy of power as a factor of approval of social justice is analyzed. The question of subject-object essence of social justice is raised. Two approaches to social justice in modern Russia - liberal and conservative - are compared. The contradictory nature of both liberal and conservative approaches is noted. Attention is paid to the role of elites, intellectuals and people in the implementation of the liberal project. The historical and civilizational prerequisites for the dominance of the conservative project, its demand both from the authorities and from significant segments of the population, and its correspondence to the historical moment are disclosed. The article substantiates the similarity of the conservative response to the challenges faced by society in the USA, Japan, Great Britain and the Russian Federation. A sociological comparison of the positions on law as social justice in the West and in Russia is given. The article notes the growing divergence of ideas about social justice both in the Western countries themselves (destruction of the social contract, the welfare and abundance society) and between the West and the rest of the world. The theme of justice increasingly plays the role not of stabilizing and preserving international and civil peace, but of a theme for mutual grievances. Attempts to create domestic models of a justly arranged society are considered. Social justice is seen as a projective concept and assumes the existence of models of expected and ideal future society. Notes the global trend of changing the perception of the subject of law and the paradigm shift from liberalism to transhumanism. The impossibility of identifying law with social justice is asserted.References
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