The Construction and Deconstruction of Gender in Modern Humanitarian Knowledge



  • Olga A. Voronina Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 109240, Moscow, Goncharnaya St., 12/1



binary matrix, power, gender, deconstruction, discourse, identity, queer, constructivism, culture, performative theory, postmodernism, body, feminism, philosophy


The purpose of this article is to analyze the evolution of the concept of "gender" in social and humanitarian knowledge. The term "gender" covers biological (sexual), psychological, social, cultural, symbolic aspects of human life. Even before the introduction of the term into science in the 1960s, the phenomenon itself was found in three types of knowledge: in psychology and psychiatry in the study of various forms of sexuality and sexual identity; in anthropological and ethnographic studies; in feminist cultural philosophy. This determined the main vectors of the study and comprehension of gender for several decades. The main role was played by the theory of socio-cultural construction of gender. It developed in parallel with other critical and constructivist scientific concepts, which in no small measure determined its acceptance by "academics" and inclusion of gender approach in the corpus of scientific research. However, with the development of postmodern feminist philosophy, the concept of gender begins to be rethought; the constructivist model is replaced by Judith Butler's performative model, according to which not only gender, but also biological sex do not exist outside the cultural framework and power discourse. The dominant discourse asserts a binary matrix of gender, gender identity and heterosexuality through various regulatory actions (performatives). Butler, however, rejects this model because bodies, gender and gender identity have different configurations. The performative concept of gender was actively sought in the queer project because it provided a rationale for rejecting the normative binary concept of corporeality and its corresponding heterosexuality. Today, queer includes a political movement as well as research and discursive deconstruction of normative heterosexuality. The variant of mosaicism, hybridity and relativism of identity proposed in the queer project destroys the very possibility of social and political transformation in the field of gender equality. Instead, queer activists advocate a ghostly equality of opportunities to try on different identities on a personal choice/ whim. The theoretical radicalism of queer at this point makes the development of new social programs unlikely, and I think they are necessary. In contrast, gender theory (in its feminist, constructivist, and cultural-symbolic modus operandi) has produced a significant scholarly and social effect. The use of the gender approach in social and humanitarian knowledge has enabled a deeper understanding of man and society. The principle of achieving gender equality has been accepted by the global community and has become part of many programs at the international and national levels. However, the problems in understanding the relationship between gender and sex, found in performative theory and queer theory, have been brought up to date by the spread of new biotechnologies (from sex reassignment surgery to assisted reproduction). This calls for more research and continued debate among different schools.  

Author Biography

Olga A. Voronina, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 109240, Moscow, Goncharnaya St., 12/1

Doctor of Philosophy,Leading Researcher (Professor) of the Departmentof Philosophy of Culture


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