The problem of consciousness management in the information society: socio-philosophical analysis



  • Karine S. Arutiunian Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin, 59/1, Gagarin st., Ryazan, 390005, Russia



consciousness management, network society, information society, informatization, information security, information management, cyberspace, network consciousness


The theme of network society rests on the problem of changes in the basic values of individual consciousness. It is the management of consciousness that should guide all network strategies toward their real humanization, the formation of a ‘new system of values’ supporting sociocultural institutions, as well as axiological imperatives in the new network world order, thus ensuring information security. Despite the numerous works devoted to network society and management in it, there is no holistic philosophical study of consciousness management as a process and a factor contributing to the preservation of information security in conditions of instability. The lack of philosophical research into the management of consciousness in modern society makes it possible to fill the gap. In this situation, there arises a need for socio-philosophical study of the network society and consciousness management, for defining the philosophical and methodological aspect of the problem. The creation of the modern information environment, the emergence of the Internet, the diversity of social practices, the formation of new social institutions, the development of communicative technologies, the dynamism of the modern era bring to the fore the problem of a scientific approach to the analysis of consciousness management. The uncertainty and crisis nature of the world require new research with a focus on the managerial aspect (management of consciousness) in order to preserve stability and world development, information security. It also becomes necessary to identify the individual’s changing values and to develop a new system of values. This study aims to carry out socio-philosophical analysis, to identify and justify the specific features of consciousness management in a network society. The scientific significance of the work is associated with the author’s approach to determining and managing the network consciousness, and with the interrelationship of management, information and consciousness. In practical terms, the paper determines the role of managing the information crowd’s network consciousness in ensuring information security, in order to preserve the stability and development of the world civilization. The author uses the systemic and analytical approach. This study is a significant contribution to the logical and methodological base of social philosophy, management, cybernetics for further introduction into the practice of educational process and social management.

Author Biography

Karine S. Arutiunian, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin, 59/1, Gagarin st., Ryazan, 390005, Russia

Ph.D. in Philosophy, Docent,Associate Professor of the Department of History, Philosophy and Law


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