The approach to understanding responsibility from the position of the concrete-universal theory of development theory



  • Vitaliy V. Koromyslov Perm State Agrarian and Technological University named after D.N. Pryanishnikov, 23, Petropavlovskaya str., Perm, 614990, Russia



responsibility, concrete–universal, categories, interconnections in society, human essence, the essence of morality


The article deals with the problem of the most fundamental grounds for the analysis of different situations and meanings connected with responsibility. The proposed solution of this problem is based on concept of the concrete-universal. The conclusions of the concrete-universal theory of development make it possible to relate the objective principles of morality to the dynamics of interconnections of the universal moments that have been accumulating in the human nature in the course of the global development. The universal moments, abstracted by man in the form of categories, are organized in human existence in the form of certain aspects and interrelations that, being interwoven in a unique way, construct certain social situations and meanings reflecting thereof. The first stage of the research presents an analysis of the role of the world-inherent key universal moments in the formation of the phenomenon of responsibility. This helps to formulate the most fundamental characteristics of responsibility. The second stage offers a study of the specific forms of interconnections between the universal moments underlying certain aspects of responsibility. As a result, a categorical framework of universal moments representing a basis of responsibility was identified. This framework is inextricably linked with specific and unique content, is always filled with the concrete content of the circumstances existing at a particular period in time, of life situations of individuals. The paper shows how the concrete-universal organized in this way determines the most important situations and meanings related to the problem of responsibility. This approach made it possible to distinguish the substance of responsibility, connected with a certain objective situation, from its manifestations in the form of subjective components related to personal characteristics and states of a person, formulation of agreements, social norms and sanctions for their violation, various forms of accountability.

Author Biography

Vitaliy V. Koromyslov, Perm State Agrarian and Technological University named after D.N. Pryanishnikov, 23, Petropavlovskaya str., Perm, 614990, Russia

Candidate of Philosophy,Associate Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy


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