The crisis of agency in modern society



  • Vera A. Kazantseva Chelyabinsk State University, 129, Kashirin brothers st., Chelyabinsk, 454001, Russia



politics, political power, agency, state, civil society


The problem of the crisis of agency in modern society is posed. This is evidenced by such negative phenomena as the crisis of the sovereignty of national states, absenteeism, populism and other realities of political life. And they are typical for many states around the world, since countries in the context of globalization of the country are interdependent and mutually vulnerable. Power in our study is understood as a redistribution of agency between the actors of the political process. Agency is defined as an ability to act. The thesis about the need for a harmonious unity of a strong state and a strong civil society is substantiated. The processes of redistribution of agency «bottom-up» and «top-down» in modern politics are considered. Their causes and consequences are revealed. The need to establish a harmonious unity of the state and civil society is due to the fact that the world is gradually becoming truly multipolar, new centers of power are being formed in the international arena. At the same time, some political actors resort to demonstrating agency, while others prefer to hide it for one reason or another, and still others imitate agency. The effective implementation of the agency of the state in the international arena, the protection of national interests is possible only in conditions of cooperation with civil society, its support.

Author Biography

Vera A. Kazantseva, Chelyabinsk State University, 129, Kashirin brothers st., Chelyabinsk, 454001, Russia

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy


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