A causal footprint in individual-intellectual integrations. Part 1. Integrations and causality



  • Leonid Ya. Dorfman Perm State Institute of Culture, 18, Gazety «Zvezda» st., Perm, 614000, Russia
  • Alexey Yu. Kalugin Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 24, Sibirskaya st., Perm, 614990, Russia;




systemic approach, integration, individual-intellectual integrations, causal chains, causality


Today, there is a huge variety of theories, empirical models that explain different aspects of the human psyche. All this diversity leads to a «faceted» psychology (D.V. Ushakov). Is it possible to move from this state of empirical multidimensionality to a holistic understanding of the person? Ya.A. Ponomarev proposed two ways to solve this problem: the «top-down» synthesis and the «bottom-up» synthesis. The former involves moving from theory to empirical verification, the latter — from empirical models to theoretical generalizations. A third way is also possible: integration «from above» and «from below» jointly, i.e. theoretically and empirically from a unified standpoint. This ensures the complementarity of theory and empiricism. This paper aims to study the possibility of cross-empirical individual-intellectual integrations on a cross-theoretical basis, which consists of V.S. Merlin’s theory of integral individuality, D.V. Ushakov’s structural-dynamic theory of intelligence, and J. Guilford’s theory of divergent (creative) thinking. The methodological bases of the study are the general scientific principle of consistency; the polysystemic approach, which involves both distinguishing several systems and combining them into a larger metasystem; the integrative approach in psychology. The main research methods were theoretical analysis, synthesis, and generalization. Three lines of integration have been outlined: a theoretical view and an empirical view implemented jointly, cross-theoretical, and cross-empirical approaches. Based on the study of the near causes and the causal process, the concept of causal chains has been developed. It allows one to study the changes and dynamics of individual-intellectual integrations. Homogeneous and heterogeneous causal chains have been identified. This paper is the first to suggest considering individual-intellectual integrations from the perspective of the causal chain. The results of the theoretical analysis can be used for empirical detection of individual-intellectual integrations as major components of educational capital.

Author Biographies

Leonid Ya. Dorfman, Perm State Institute of Culture, 18, Gazety «Zvezda» st., Perm, 614000, Russia

Doctor of Psychology, Professor,Head of the Department of Humanities

Alexey Yu. Kalugin, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 24, Sibirskaya st., Perm, 614990, Russia;

Candidate of Psychology, Docent,Head of the Department of Practical Psychology


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