«Doubled dialectic»: philosophy of Eros by G. Bataille
deconstruction, Eros, erosophy, desire, post-metaphysics, difference, Bataille, ontology, transgressionAbstract
In the article the subject of analysis is one of the essential features of modern philosophy — the deconstruction of the classical heritage, which is considered on the basis of the philosophical project of the French philosopher Georges Bataille. The base of Georges Bataille’s deconstructivist project — Eros (such as Universal power of being) and the phenomenon of erotic desire are highlighted. Thus, the philosophical project of the French philosopher is presented as one of the many projects of the philosophy of Eros — erosophy, and ontology — as one of the variants of the ontology of erotic desire. Deconstruction of Eros and erotic desire in Georges Bataille’s works is carried out in the context of ontological reflection on the fundamental principle of post-metaphysical philosophy — the principle of distinction . Eros and erotic desire are represented as one of transgressive mechanisms of manifestation of the difference principle in being.References
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