THE DEVALUATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. THE SECOND PAPER: Civilization, formational and geopolitical factors of international law crisis
the crisis of international law, generally accepted principles of international law, state sovereignty, legal nihilism, devaluation of international law, world inertia,, color revolutions, geopolitical crisis, the law of forceAbstract
The article continued analysis of the international law crisis, which, according to the author, is an important aspect of the of modern civilization crisis. In a previous article discusses the doctrinal factors of the crisis, in this – civilization, formational and geopolitical. They play a crucial role in the destruction of international law. According to the author’s opinion, peculiarities of the process of settling of capitalism in the United States, as well as the status of the state in the modern world, contributed to the formation of the American political and legal thinking, which is different from the continental Europe. In the situation of a bipolar world the tendency of the political elite of the United States to solve complex international problems by force was restrained by the Soviet Union. The collapse of the Soviet Union had negative legal consequences for international law. Legal nihilism, the practice of double standards has become a widespread phenomenon in the situation of monopolar world.The non-uniformity of historical process contributes to the displacement of the center of world history from the New World to Asia. This process gave rise to geopolitical crisis. The United States are trying by all means to stop the centrifugal tendencies and return the humanity to a monopolar world despite international law and international institutions. Such activity leads to the destruction of civilization based on right and to the return to the cave law of force.References
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