Editorial Team

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Regulations on the editorial board
Philosophical sciences

Alexander Yurievich Vnutskikh.
Doctor of Philosophy, Corresponding Member of the RAE, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology at Perm State National Research University, Professor of the Department of Philosophy at Perm State National Research University (Perm).
Doctor of Philosophy, specialty 5.7.1. "Ontology and theory of knowledge". The subject of his doctoral dissertation: "Selection Philosophy (ontological, gnoseological, methodological and historical-philosophical aspects)" (2007).
As of February 2022, the author of 119 publications listed in the RSCI, including 33 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list, 3 publications included in Scopus, 3 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 233.
ORCID: 0000-0003-4162-1033.
ResearcherID: R-3075-2017
Hirsch index (RSCI): 6.
Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.

Some publications corresponding to specialties 5.7.1., 5.7.2:
Vnutskikh A., Beresneva N. (2022) Animated Series as a Format of Digital Philosophy. In: Rocha A., Isaeva E. (eds) Science and Global Challenges of the 21st Century - Science and Technology. Perm Forum 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 342. Springer, Cham. Pp 836-843 URL: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-89477-1_77
Vnutskikh A.Y., Beresneva N.I. Social and philosophical issues in popular literary and animated works of the second half of XX - the beginning of XXI century.
Vestnik (Herald) of Chelyabinsk State University. 2021. № 2 (448). С. 60-66. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_45794377_20601479.pdf
Vnutskikh A.Y., Panov V.F. On Prospects of Quantum Realism and Quantum Antirealism in the Light of Practical Use of Quantum Nonlocality Phenomena. New ideas in philosophy. 2021. № 8 (29). С. 82-88. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_45734505_42087991.pdf
Okonskaya N.K., Vnutskikh A.Y., Brylina I.V. Human-dimensional systems of information society and the risks of regression of social relations.
Vestnik (Herald) of the Permian University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2021. № 2. С. 191-201. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_46282885_33345620.pdf
Vnutskikh A.Y., Komarov S.V. "Russian Model of Management" and the Labor Productivity Problem: Philosophical Analysis // Vestnik of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2019 Issue. 4 С. 473-482. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_41598449_88650796.pdf
Beresneva N., Vnutskikh A. Children's literature of the Soviet period as a source of philosophical ideas (case of Nikolai Nosov) // Human Affairs. Postdisciplinary Humanities & Social Sciences Quarterly. 2018 Issue 2. Pp. 160-170. URL: https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/humaff.2018.28.issue-2/humaff-2018-0013/humaff-2018-0013.xml?format=INT

Kiyashchenko Larisa Pavlovna
Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty 5.7.1. "Ontology and theory of cognition". D. thesis: "The Language of Cognitive and Communicative Strategies (Synergetic Aspect), 2001. Leading Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).
As of February 2022 author of 111 publications listed in the RSCI, including 47 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list, 7 publications included in Scopus, 15 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 1709.
ORCID: 0000-0002-4244-5732.
ResearcherID: J-4925-2018.
Hirsch index (RSCI): 16.
Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.

Some publications corresponding to specialties 5.7.1., 5.7.8:
Kiyashchenko L.P. The Transformative Role of Crisis in the Context of Modern Anthropological Problems. Voprosy philosophii. 2021. № 11. С. 47-50. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47225979
Kiyashchenko L.P., Golofast A.V. Ethos of communication and understanding in project activity (from the editorial board). Vestnik (Herald) of the Permian University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2021. № 3. С. 293-301. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_46632934_13785836.pdf
Kiyashchenko L.P., Golofast A.V. Political subjectness: a case of transdisciplinary reflection Perm University Herald. Series Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2021. № 4. С. 569-581. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_47442544_86416451.pdf
Kiyashchenko L.P. Interdisciplinary problems of scientific and technological development: safety of innovation projects In book: Science as a vocation: theory and practice. Materials of the interdisciplinary scientific-practical conference with international participation. Moscow, 2020. С. 331-333. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44172618_41637551.pdf

Kiyashchenko L.P., Bronfman S.A., Mailenova F.G., Ivanova L.P. Reproduction management: between ethics and medicine. Bulletin of New Medical Technologies. 2020. Т. 27. № 4. С. 25-29. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44534449_86945168.pdf
Kiyashchenko L.P., Bronfman S.A., Mailenova F.G. Ethico-anthropological dilemmas of gamete and embryo donation: commodification, altruism, morality and future of genetic family. Vestnik of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series: Philosophy. 2020. Т. 24. № 1. С. 113-124. URL: https://elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_42502411_99540994.pdf
 Natalya Beresneva
Doctor of Philosophy, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology at Perm State National Research University, Professor of the Department of Philosophy at Perm State National Research University (Perm).
Doctor of Philosophy, specialty 5.7.1. "Ontology and theory of knowledge". Subject matter of his doctoral dissertation: "Language and Reality" (2006).
As of February 2022, the author of 52 publications listed in the RSCI, including 16 publications in Russian journals listed in the VAK and 4 publications listed in Scopus and 3 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 353
ORCID: 0000-0003-4562-0070
Hirsch index (RSCI): 5.
Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to the specialty 5.7.1:
      1. Vnutskikh A., Beresneva N. (2022) Animated Series as a Format of Digital Philosophy. In: Rocha A., Isaeva E. (eds) Science and Global Challenges of the 21st Century - Science and Technology. Perm Forum 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 342. Springer, Cham. Pp 836-843. URL: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-89477-1_77  
      2. Musaelyan L.A., Porosenkov S.V., Suslov M.G., Shchukina R.I., Malyanov E.A., Ustinkin S.V., Morozova N.M., Savrutskaya E.P., Korobkina E.M., Peshina E.V., Krugovykh I.E, Subbotina A.A., Ignatieva A.V., Malkova E.V., Ilinykh O.P., Chigovskaya-Nazarova Y.A., Shchenina T.E., Kamenskikh M.S., Makarikhin I.Y., Beresnev V.D., etc. Realization of the Strategy of the State National Policy of the Russian Federation at the Regional Level: Approaches, Subjects, Processes, Practices.
Perm, 2021. URL:https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_47672251_16848275.pdf
      Beresnev V. D., Beresneva N. I. "Immortal Regiment": Sociocultural Context and Philosophical Reflection // Vestnik of the Perm State University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2019. Vyp.1. С. 67-74. URL: http://philsoc.psu.ru/vestnik/214-nauka/vestnik-2019/filosofiya/1186-bessmertnyj-polk-sotsiokulturnyj-kontekst-i-filosofskaya-refleksiya
      4. Vnutskikh A.Y., Beresneva N.I., Beresnev V.D. Cartoon series as a mechanism of translation of philosophical ideas. In compilation: World outlook bases of culture of modern Russia. collection of scientific works of 10th International scientific-practical conference. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov. G.I. Nosov". 2019. С. 57-62 URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_40999831_98412148.pdf
      5. Lyskova Y.S., Beresneva N.I. Soft skills technology in the training of specialists in the organization of work with youth. In the collection: Modern paradigms of education: achievements, innovations, technical progress. Materials XVII All-Russian scientific-practical conference: in 3 parts. 2019. С. 86-96. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_38496762_62140786.pdf
    6. Beresneva N., Vnutskikh A. Children's literature of the Soviet period as a source of philosophical ideas (case of Nikolai Nosov) // Human Affairs. Postdisciplinary Humanities & Social Sciences Quarterly. 2018. Issue 2. Pp. 160-170. URL: https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/humaff.2018.28.issue-2/humaff-2018-0013/humaff-2018-0013.xml?format=INT.
Zheleznyak Vladimir Nikolaevich.
Doctor of Philosophy, Head of Philosophy and Law Department, Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm)
Doctor of Philosophy, specialty 5.7.2. "History of Philosophy". D. thesis: "Principle of Identity of Thought and Will in Classical Rationalism and its Historical Evolution" (1998).
As of February 2022 author of 37 publications listed in the RSCI, including 14 publications in Russian journals listed in the VAK. Number of citations (RSCI): 172.
ORCID: 0000-0003-1961-6406
Hirsch index (RSCI): 5.
Some publications corresponding to the specialties 5.7.1., 5.7.2., 5.7.8:
Zheleznyak V.N. Phenomenology of technical devices.
Technologos. 2020. № 4. С. 64-74. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44620410_52551095.pdf
Zheleznyak V.N., Tsyrlina Ya.E. Formal Analysis of Time by J.-F. Lyotard (Between Freud, Augustine and Kant). Herald of Tver State University. Series: Philosophy. 2019. № 2 (48). С. 164-176. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_39185504_49104134.pdf

Grunwald A., Zheleznyak V.N., Seredkina E.V. The unmanned car in the light of social assessment of technology // Technologos. 2019. №2. С. 41-51. URL: http://vestnik.pstu.ru/kult/fsearch/
Zheleznyak V.N. Beyond the self: the experience of poetic existentialism // Technologos. 2018. №4. С. 38-44. URL: http://vestnik.pstu.ru/kult/archives/?id=&folder_id=8085
Zheleznyak V.N., Seredkina E.V. Responsibility as a regulative principle in research on the social evaluation of technology. Discourse. 2018. № 3. С. 10-17. URL: https://discourse.etu.ru/assets/files/zheleznyak-v.n.-seredkina-e.v.pdf
Zheleznyak V.N., Stolbova N.V., Museev N.A. Ontology of beauty: a methodological project // Culture and Art. 2017. № 3. С. 31-40. URL: http://nbpublish.com/camag/contents_2017_3.html#23146
Komarov Sergey Vladimirovich.
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Law at Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm)
Doctor of Philosophy, specialty 5.7.2. "History of Philosophy". D. thesis: "The problem of subjectivity in the transcendental-phenomenological tradition of Western philosophy" (2007).
As of May 2022, the author of 83 publications listed in the RSCI, including 43 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list, 2 publications in Web of Science, 2 - Scopus. Number of citations (RSCI): 638.
ORCID: 0000-0001-7358-6151
Hirsch index (RSCI): 9.
Some publications corresponding to specialties 5.7.1., 5.7.2., 5.7.8:
Komarov S.V., Lumpova M.A. Nonclassical subject of vision. Part I.
Vestnik of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2021. № 2. С. 179-190. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_46282884_42506844.pdf
Komarov S.V. Modern Foreign Philosophy. Some Ontological Concepts of the 21st Century. Tutorial / Perm, 2021.
Vnutskikh A. Ju., Komarov S.V. "Russian Model of Management" and the Problem of Labor Productivity: a philosophical analysis / / Vestnik of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2019 Issue. 4 С. 473-482. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_41598449_88650796.pdf
Komarov S.V. "Strange" objects of ART&SCIENCE // S. V. Komarov // Technologos. Scientific journal. - 2019 - № 4 - С. 114-127. URL: http://vestnik.pstu.ru/kult/archives/?id=&folderid=9108
Komarov S.V. Ontological difference: Aristotle, Heidegger, Deleuze // New ideas in philosophy. 2020. № 7 (28). С. 69-79. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_43095389_85446908.pdf
Komarov S.V., Stolbova N.V., Neznamov A.V., Chudinov O.R., Feinburg G.Z. Review of the panel discussion "Unmanned cars: moral challenges and legal regulation (December 3, 2018) // Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University = BULLETIN OF PNRPU. CULTURE. HISTORY. PHILOSOPHY. LAW. Culture. History. Philosophy. Law.-Technologos - 2019 No. 2 - P. 52-67. URL: http://vestnik.pstu.ru/kult/archives/?id=&folder_id=8553
Musaelyan Lyova Askanazovich.
Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Department of Philosophy of the Department of Philosophy at Perm State National Research University (Perm).
Doctor of Philosophy, specialty 5.7.7. "Social and Political Philosophy". The topic of his doctoral dissertation is "The Theory of Historical Process: Formation and Essence" (2006).
As of February 2022, the author of 85 publications, registered in the RSCI, including 26 publications in Russian journals, included in the VAK list, and 2 publications in journals, included in the Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 279.
ORCID: 0000-0003-0134-5871.
ResearcherID: N-4762-2017
Hirsch index (RSCI): 8.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to the specialty 5.7.7:
Musaelyan L.A., Porosenkov S.V., Suslov M.G., Shchukina R.I., Malyanov E.A., Ustinkin S.V., Morozova N.M., Savrutskaya E.P., Korobkina E.M., Peshina E.V., Krugovykh I.E, Subbotina A.A., Ignatyeva A.V., Malkova E.V., Ilinykh O.P., Chigovskaya-Nazarova Y.A., Shchenina T.E., Kamenskikh M.S., Makarikhin I.Y., Beresnev V.D., etc.
Realization of the Strategy of the State National Policy of the Russian Federation at the Regional Level: Approaches, Subjects, Processes, Practices.
Perm, 2021. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_47672251_69687020.pdf
Musaelyan L.A. Theoretical Legacy of Marx and Modernity. Article 2. Theory and Practice of Marxism. Vestnik (Herald) of the Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2020. № 1. С. 14-28. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_42763297_99252602.pdf
Musaelyan L.A. In Memory of a Scientist. New Ideas in Philosophy. 2020. № 7 (28). С. 4-11. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_43095381_93926980.pdf
Musaelyan L.A. Reforms of 90's and their economic and political-legal consequences // Bulletin of Perm University. Legal Sciences. 2018. Vyp. 39. C. 36-52. (Web of Science) URL: http://www.jurvestnik.psu.ru/images/2018-1/2018-1-2.pdf

Musaelyan L.A. Marx and Modernity // New Ideas in Philosophy. 2018. № 5 (26). С. 4-20. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_34993218_70210244.pdf
Musaelyan L.A. Reforms of the 90's and their economic and political-legal consequences. Vestnik of Perm University. Legal Sciences. 2018. № 39. С. 36-52. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_32765672_86968514.pdf
Nikolsky Sergey Anatolievich.
Doctor of Philosophy, Chief Researcher - Head of Cultural Philosophy Sector, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
Doctor of Philosophy, specialty 5.7.1 "Ontology and theory of knowledge". The topic of his doctoral dissertation: "Power and Earth" (1991).
As of February 2022, the author of 118 publications listed in the RSCI, including 60 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list, 9 publications included in Scopus journals, 24 - Web of Science.
Number of citations (RSCI): 3456.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2202-2043
ResearcherID: U-2209-2018.
Hirsch index (RSCI): 15.
Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to specialties 5.7.7., 5.7.8:
Nikolsky S.A. The USSR in its international aspect: a philosophical-historical analysis of the Bolsheviks' solution of the agrarian question. Problems of Philosophy. 2021. № 12. С. 90-100. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_47318152_12338387.pdf
Nikolsky S.A. A.A. Zinoviev: Reflections on the Soviet Man and Soviet Being. Yaroslavl Pedagogical Vestnik. 2021. № 3 (120). С. 162-167. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_46552263_86660897.pdf
Nikolsky S. A. Temporal existential meanings of Dostoevsky's heroes and their Bolshevik reincarnation. Philosophy. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2021. Т. 5. № 3. С. 32-55. URL:https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_47737391_13508431.pdf
Nikolsky S. A. To Critique the Conservative Interpretation of History and to Justify the Significance of Literature in the Development of the Russian History of Philosophy. Voprosy philosofii. 2020. № 10. С. 110-121. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44158982_84941537.pdf
Nikolsky S.A. Man in a total state. Article one. War and fear. Man. 2020. Т. 31. № 2. С. 128-149. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_43020168_90690133.pdf
Nikolsky S.A., Neretina S.S., Porus V.N. Philosophical Anthropology of Andrei Platonov // IPhR RAS. 2019. 236 с. URL: https://iphras.ru/uplfile/root/biblio/2019/Neretina_Nikolskiy_Porus_platonov.pdf
Orlov Sergey Vladimirovich.
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of History and Philosophy Department of St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg)
Doctor of Philosophy, specialty 5.7.1. "Ontology and theory of knowledge". Doctoral dissertation topic: "Development Theory and Modern Science" (1993).
As of February 2022, the author of 93 publications listed in the RSCI, including 8 publications in Russian journals listed in the VAK. Number of citations (RSCI): 325.
ORCID: 0000-0002-8505-7852
Hirsch index (RSCI): 11.
Some publications corresponding to the specialty 5.7.1:
Orlov S.V. Transition to digital society: what is the qualitative shift?
In book: Philosophy and Culture of Information Society. Theses of reports of the Ninth International Scientific-Practical Conference. St. Petersburg, 2021. С. 23-25. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_47224782_24472787.pdf
Orlov S.V. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Philosophical Aspects of the Problem of Information Society Formation. New Ideas in Philosophy. 2021. № 8 (29). С. 139-149. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_45734511_99107034.pdf
Orlov S.V. Lenin and the Modern Concept of Dialectics. New Ideas in Philosophy. 2020. № 7 (28). С. 29-37. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_43095384_68104989.pdf
Orlov S.V. Self-Movement, Management and the Concept of Dialectics in the Information Society. Philosophy and Humanities in Information Society. 2020. № 2 (28). С. 27-46. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_43025236_96650216.pdf
Orlov S.V., Dmitrienko N.A. The conception of post-industrial (information) society and Marxist Philosophy in Russia // Intellekt. Innovatsi. Investitsii [Intellect. Innovation. Investments]. 2019. Vol. 3, p. 131-138. URL: http://intellekt-izdanie.osu.ru/arch/3_131.pdf.
Orlov S. V., Karavaev E. F., Ignatiev M. B. Synergetic philosophy of history today. - Voprosy philosofii. - 2019. № 5. С. 205-209. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_37711055_31142861.pdf.
Pertsev Alexander Vladimirovich.
D. in Philosophy, Professor of the History of Philosophy and Philosophy of Education Section, Department of Philosophy, Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg)
D. in Philosophy, specialty 5.7.2. D. thesis topic: "Proletarian Positivism: Political Inhabitation of Philosophy" (1992).

As of February 2022, 95 publications accounted in the RSCI, including 21 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list and 3 publications included in journals included in Scopus, 11 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 614.
ORCID: 0000-0002-7711-5098
Hirsch index (RSCI): 8.
Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to specialties 5.7.2., 5.7.7., 5.7.8:
Pertsev A.V., Kovaleva E.S. "Spiritual Situation of Time" as Historical-Philosophical Diagnosis of an Epoch. Intellect. Innovations. Investments. 2021. № 3. С. 117-129. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_46289410_76387307.pdf
Pertsev A.V., Vnutskikh A.Yu. The Future of Philosophical History (from the Editors).
Vestnik (Herald) of the Permian University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2021. № 4. С. 489-492. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_47442535_89090249.pdf
F. Nietzsche: Theology, Metaphysics and Psychology in Search of Vitality. Vestnik (Herald) of the Permian University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2021. № 4. С. 500-507. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_47442537_47826974.pdf
Kudryavtseva V.I., Pertsev A.V. Vital Geometry of P. Sloterdijk: Spherological Approach to Understanding Man. Society: philosophy, history, culture. 2020. № 12 (80). С. 23-29. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44690213_12781960.pdf
Orlov S.V., Dmitrenko N.A. The conception of post-industrial (information) society and Marxist philosophy in Russia. Intellect. Innovations. Investments. 2019. № 3. С. 131-138. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_38243625_19902474.pdf
Pertsev A.V., Melnikova E.V., Sokovnina I.Ya Significance of digital and numeric (prolegomena to D.V. Pivovarov's symphonica). Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2019. Т. 12. № 5. С. 812-832. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_38479049_82094705.pdf
Psychological Sciences
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Bergfeld, Alexandra Y.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of General and Clinical Psychology of the Perm State National Research University (Perm)
Candidate of Psychological Sciences in the specialty 5.3.1. "General Psychology, Personality Psychology, History of Psychology. D. thesis topic: "Perception of emotional phenomena" (2002).
As of February 2022, the author of 36 publications listed in the RSCI, including 12 publications in Russian journals listed in the VAK and 2 publications listed in Scopus, 2 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 82.
ORCID: 0000-0003-4679-243X
Hirsch index (RSCI): 3.
Some publications corresponding to the specialty 5.3.1:
Lutsik M.Y., Bergfeld A.Y., Card test-MARI: validation and modification // Siberian Psychological Journal. 2019. № 71. С. 107-121. URL: http://vital.lib.tsu.ru/vital/access/manager/Repository/vtls:000651838 
Bergfeld A.Yu. Dynamics of life values of women with cancer diagnosis: the experience of probation of the program of psychological support. Electronic scientific and educational newsletter Health and education in the XXI century. 2019. Т. 21. № 5. С. 5-10. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_38486316_78263223.pdf
Bergfeld A.Y., Mokrushina A.A., Denisova A.F. Subjective assessment of somatic health and coping behavior of workers of extreme professions. Social sciences and humanities: theory and practice. 2019. № 1 (3). С. 531-541. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_41799882_51350839.pdf
Ignatova E. S., Bergfeld A.Y., Damaskina M.V. Motivation for treatment and life values of cancer patients // Electronic scientific and educational bulletin Health and education in the XXI century. 2018. Т. 20, № 6. С. 55-61. URL: https://e-pubmed.co.uk/gallery/e6-2018-66-71.pdf
Ignatova E.S., Bergfeld A.Y., Kataeva D.A. Transformation of Quality of Life Models in Psychological Science. Electronic scientific and educational bulletin Health and education in the XXI century. 2018. Т. 20. № 5. С. 39-44.URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/transformatsii-modeley-kachestva-zhizni-v-psihologicheskoy-nauke/viewer
Yuri Petrovich Zinchenko.
Doctor of Psychology, Academician and Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Education, Dean of the Department of Psychology at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Head of the Department of Psychological Methodology at Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow)
Doctor of Psychology, specialty 19.00.04: Medical Psychology. The topic of her doctoral dissertation is "The sign-symbolic mediation of sexual function in norms and pathology" (2003).
As of February 2022, the author of 306 publications listed in the RSCI, including 173 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list and 17 publications included in Scopus and 130 in Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 3273.
ORCID: 0000-0002-9734-1703
ResearcherID: F-4021-2012
Hirsch index (RSCI): 27.

Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to specialty 5.3.1:
Zinchenko Y.P., Salagai O.O., Shaigerova L.A., Almazova O.V., Dolgikh A.G., Vakhantseva O.V. Perception of stress by different categories of medical personnel during the first wave of covid-19 pandemic in Russia. Public Health. 2021. Т. 1. № 1. С. 65-89. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_46114737_53009774.pdf
Verbitskaya L.A., Zinchenko Yu.P., Malykh S.B., Gaidamashko I.V., Kalmyk O.A., Tikhomirova T.N. Cognitive predictors of success in learning Russian among native speakers of high school age in different educationalnal systems Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. 2020. Т. 13. № 2. С. 2-15. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44048091_73208138.pdf
Zinchenko Yu.P., Morosanova V.I., Kondratyuk N.G., Fomina T.G.
Conscious self-regulation and self-organization of life during the covid-19 pandemic. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. 2020. Т. 13. № 4. С. 168-182. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44525159_70212991.pdf
Shilko R.S., Egorov S.Y., Zinchenko Y.P. Problems of self-regulation of educational activity in mass open online courses. Herzen readings: psychological research in education. 2020. № 3. С. 632-639. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44271334_15242898.pdf
Zinchenko, L. Shaigerova, A. Dolgikh., Almazova O., Shilko R., Vakhantseva O. Connection between the amount of time spent by Russian teenagers on the Internet and their psychological well-being // European Psychiatry. 2019. Vol. 56, no. 1. Pp. 146-147. URL: https://www.morressier.com/article/07--connection-amount-time-spent-russian-teenagers-internet-psychological-wellbeing/5c642bef9ae8fb00131cfe7d
Shaigerova L.A., Shilko R.S., Vakhantseva O.V., Zinchenko Y.P.
Prospects for the use of social network analysis to study the ethno-cultural identity of adolescents in online communities. National Psychological Journal. 2019. Т. 3. № 3 (35). С. 4-16. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_41483146_92627847.pdf
Victor D. Balin.
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychophysiology at St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg)
Doctor of Psychology, specialty 5.3.1. "General psychology, psychology of personality, and history of psychology," and 19.00.02. "Psychophysiology. D. thesis topic: "Mechanisms of Psychical Reflection" (2002).
As of February 2022, the author of 82 publications listed in the RSCI, including 11 publications in Russian journals on the VAK list and 2 publications listed in Scopus, 2 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 552.
ORCID: 0000-0003-3876-9854
ResearcherID: N-4260-2013
Hirsch index (RSCI): 7.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to the specialty 5.3.1 :
Balin V.D. Determination of the mental state of a man by his pantomimicry and speech. In the collection: Actual problems of law enforcement psychology: concepts, approaches, technologies (Vasiliev readings - 2021). Materials of the international scientific-practical conference. St. Petersburg, 2021. С. 63-68. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_45833925_41217324.pdf
Balin V.D., Ilyina V.A. From interdisciplinary synthesis to knowledge integration in legal psychology. URL: Psychological Journal. 2020. Т. 41. № 3. С. 92-103. elibrary_43028223_49981667.pdf
Balin V.D., Zhukova D.I. Psychophysiological and individual psychological characteristics in individuals with a high level of perfectionism Psychophysiology News. 2020. № 1. С. 82-84. URL: Appendix of the International Scientific Journal "Bulletin of Psychophysiology" (elibrary.ru)
Stepanova Y.V., Balin V.D. Natural-scientific paradigm in Moscow and St. Petersburg (Leningrad) psychological schools (on the material of Vestniks of Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University). Bulletin of Psychophysiology. 2020. № 2. С. 9-22. URL: Appendix of the International Scientific Journal "Bulletin of Psychophysiology" (elibrary.ru)
Balin V.D., Zhukova D.I. Development of the questionnaire "36 role plots".
Bulletin of Psychophysiology. 2019. № 4. С. 79-84. URL: Appendix of the International Scientific Journal "Bulletin of Psychophysiology" (elibrary.ru)
Balin V.D., Zhukova D.I. Role plots in professional psychological selection of candidates entering military service under contract // Proceedings of the Russian Military Medical Academy. 2019. Т. 38. № 3. С. 13-18. (RSCI) URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41424529
Elena Levchenko.
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of General and Clinical Psychology of the Perm State National Research University (Perm)
Doctor of Psychology, specialty 5.3.1. "General Psychology, Psychology of Personality, History of Psychology. Topic of his doctoral dissertation: "History of Relationship Psychology" (1995).

As of February 2022, author of 61 publications accounted in the RSCI, including 21 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list and 1 publication included in the journals included in Scopus, 21 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 305.
ORCID: 0000-0003-3507-2795
Hirsch index (RSCI): 6.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to the specialty 5.3.1:
Vtyurina T.A., Levchenko E.V. Structural-level organization of mental representations of motivation in ordinary consciousness // Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. 2018. № 3. С. 192-202. URL: http://vestnik-cspu.ru/ru/articles/3/psihologicheskie-nauki/strukturno-urovnevaya-organizaciya-mentalnyh-reprezentaciy-motivacii-v-obydennom-soznanii.html
Chuloshnikov A.I., Levchenko E.V. Psychology of pain: classification of types of pain based on subjective experience.
Social and Human Sciences: Theory and Practice. 2018. № 1 (2). С. 714-723. URL: elibrary_36647750_86476876.pdf
Azanova I.N., Levchenko E.V. About Prospects of empirical research of dynamics of emotions. Vestnik of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2017. № 3 (31). С. 428-436. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_30624733_16786477.pdf
Chuloshnikov A.I., Levchenko E.V. Evolution of pain models: on the way to the development of pain psychology. Social and human sciences: theory and practice. 2017. № 1. С. 616-623. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_35110487_30761086.pdf
Levchenko E.V., Akmaev V.A. Peculiarities of the unconscious content of self-consciousness in inmates in a penal colony and prone to suicidal behavior. Bulletin of the Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University. Series No. 1. Psychological and pedagogical sciences. 2017. № 1. С. 90-103. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_32352180_28738229.pdf
Natalya Anatolievna Loginova
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychology and Differential Psychology at St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg)
Doctor of Psychology, specialty 5.3.1. "General Psychology, Personality Psychology, History of Psychology. Doctoral dissertation: "Formation of an Integrated Approach in the Psychological Schools of V. M. Bekhterev and B. G. Ananiev. B. G. Ananyev" (1991).
As of February 2022 author of 74 publications listed in the RSCI, including 30 publications in Russian journals listed in the VAK and 10 publications listed in Scopus and 26 in Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 1083.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3460-3497
Hirsch index (RSCI): 8.
Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to the specialty 5.3.1:
Loginova N.A. New pages in the history of St. Petersburg psychological school.
Bulletin of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2020. № 4 (101). С. 101-112. URL: elibrary_44540006_93254067.pdf
Loginova N.A. Development of the principle of reflection in the school of B.G. Ananyev. In: Science as a public good. collection of scientific articles of the Second International Congress of the Russian Society of History and Philosophy of Science. St. Petersburg State University; Russian Society of History and Philosophy of Science. Moscow, 2020. С. 114-117. URL: http://rshps.ru/books/congress2020t2.pdf
Loginova N.A. The theorist of psychology Lev Markovich Vekker.
Vestnik (Herald) of the Permian University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2019. № 1. С. 106-115. URL: elibrary_37949706_69417855.pdf
Loginova N.A. Panfyorov's contribution to the development of the St. Petersburg psychological school and the anthropo-psychological theory of B.G. Ananyev.
Psychology of man in education. 2019. Т. 1. № 3. С. 217-221. URL: elibrary_42564953_85934426.pdf
Loginova N.A., Osorina M.V., Kholodnaya M.A., Cherednikova T.V. Unified theory of mental processes L.M. Vekker in modern psychology (To the 100th anniversary of his birth) // Psychological Journal. 2018. Т. 39. № 6. С. 102-113. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=36576939
Irina Anatolievna Mironenko
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Psychology Department of the Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg)
D. in Psychology, specialty 5.3.1. "General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology. Topic of her doctoral dissertation: "Domestic Biosocial Theory in the Context of Integration of Psychological Knowledge" (2005).
As of February 2022 author of 118 publications listed in the RSCI, including 47 publications in Russian journals listed in the VAK and 10 publications listed in Scopus and 38 in Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 775.
ORCID: 0000-0002-6234-6918
ResearcherID: N-6149-2014
Hirsch index (RSCI): 15.

Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to specialty 5.3.1:
Mironenko I.A., Zhuravlev A.L. Cultural psychology of Jaan Walsiner. Part I. In Discourse of global science. Journal of Psychology. 2021. Т. 42. № 6. С. 5-13. URL: elibrary_47387425_63389108.pdf
Mironenko I.A., Sorokin P.S. To the question of volitional properties of personality in the context of the problem of development of entrepreneurial element of human potential in the system of higher education. Vestnik of Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin. 2021. № 4. С. 117-136. URL: elibrary_47491787_95848214.pdf
Rafikova V. A., Mironenko I. A. Development of social psychology in the USA during the Second World War and the fate of the Russian school of social psychology. Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Social and Economic Psychology. 2021. Т. 6. № 3 (23). С. 246-271. URL: https://elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_46679279_70557687.pdf
Zhuravlev A.L., Mironenko I.A., Yurevich A.V. Russian Psychology in the Space of Global Science: Reply to the Debaters. Psychological Journal. 2020. Т. 41. № 3. С. 113-121. URL: elibrary_43028225_39719064.pdf
Mironenko I.A. Concerning The Vocabulary on Personality in Russian Psychology: "Subjekt" VS. "Personality" // Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. 2019. Т. 12. № 2. С. 45-57. URL: http://psychologyinrussia.com/volumes/index.php?article=7816
Mironenko I.A. Biosocial problem and the formation of global psychology. Moscow: Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019, 406p. URL: elibrary_41484308_39177987.pdf
Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Mosunova
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Journalism and Integrated Communications at Vyatka State University (Kirov)
Doctor of Psychological Sciences in the specialty 19.00.07. "Educational Psychology". Doctoral dissertation: "Structure and psychological conditions for the development of semantic understanding of artistic texts" (2006).
As of February 2022, author of 89 publications listed in the RSCI, including 52 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list and 12 publications included in Scopus, 6 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 480.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2130-6872
ResearcherID: I-1314-2018
Hirsch index (RSCI): 11.
Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to specialty 5.3.1:
Borzova T.V., Mosunova L.A. Development of National Cultural Identity of Humanities Students in the Process of Teaching Narrative Texts Producing. Perspectives of Science and Education. 2021. № 6 (54). С. 141-154. URL: elibrary_47473964_62742288.pdf
Mosunova L.A. Principle of holistic perception of the artistic text in teaching humanities students. Bulletin of Vyatka State University. 2020. № 2 (136). С. 115-121. URL: elibrary_44039244_52571694.pdf
Borzova T.V., Mosunova L.A. The conditions for fostering meaningful understanding of information in learning. Science for Education Today. 2020. Т. 10. № 1. С. 7-24. URL: Electronic journal "Vestnik of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University".
Borzova T.V., Mosunova L.A. Conditions for the development of semantic understanding of information in the learning process // Science for Education Today. - 2020. - Vol. 10. - № 1. - С. 7-24. (Scopus) URL: http://sciforedu.ru/system/files/articles/pdf/07borzova1-20z.pdf  
Demshina N.V., Mosunova L.A. A Study of the Levels of Semantic Perception of Information in Additional Education // Scientific and Technical Information Processing. 2019. Т. 46. № 2. Pp. 110-116. URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.3103/S0147688219020096
Mosunova L.A. The Formation of The Information Culture of Students in The System of Electronic Education: A Theoretical and Experimental Study // Scientific and Technical Information Processing. 2018. Т. 45. № 3. Pp. 128-134. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=38669290
Alexander Oktyabrinovich Prokhorov.
Doctor of Psychology, Head of the Department of General Psychology, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (Kazan).
Doctor of Psychology, specialty 5.3.1. "General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology". Subject matter of her doctoral dissertation: "Functional Structures of Mental States" (1992).
As of February 2022, the author of 248 publications listed in the RSCI, including 110 in Russian journals on the VAK list and 25 in journals listed in Scopus, 45 in Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 4836.
ORCID: 0000-0002-8636-2576
Hirsch index (RSCI): 25.
Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to the specialty 5.3.1:
Prokhorov A.O., Chernov A.V., Yusupov M.G., Reshetnikova I.S. Effectiveness of self-regulation of mental states of undergraduates at the exam. Psychology. Psychophysiology. 2021. Т. 14. № 4. С. 51-61. URL: elibrary_47422005_97036111.pdf

Prokhorov A.O. Structural and functional model of mental regulation of mental states of the subject. Psychological Journal. 2020. Т. 41. № 1. С. 5-17. URL: elibrary_42541446_17747781.pdf
Prokhorov A.O., Chernov A.V. The role of the self system in self-regulation of mental states in the course of students' learning activities. Yaroslavsky pedagogichesky vestnik. 2020. № 6 (117). С. 79-87. URL: E (elibrary.ru)
Prokhorov A.O., Chernov A.V., Yusupov M.G. Features of self-regulation of states of students with different levels of regulatory abilities. Bulletin of the Udmurt State University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy. 2020. Т. 30. № 2. С. 132-142. URL:  Microsoft Word - 03_Prokhorov (elibrary.ru)
Prokhorov A.O., Chernov A.V. Dynamics of cognitive states of students with different level and orientation of reflexion // Siberian psychological journal. 2019. № 74. С. 110-125. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41656268
Prokhorov A.O., Yusupov M.G. Mental regulation of cognitive states in intellectual activity of teenagers // Siberian psychological journal. 2018. № 70. С. 6-16. URL: http://vital.lib.tsu.ru/vital/access/manager/Repository/vtls:000647562
Sapogova Elena Evgenievna.
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Educational Psychology of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow Pedagogical State University (Moscow)
Doctor of Psychological Sciences in the specialty 19.00.07. "Educational Psychology". The topic of her doctoral dissertation is "The development of sign-symbolic activity in pre-school children" (1995).
As of February 2022, the author of 94 publications listed in the RSCI, including 31 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list and 3 publications included in Scopus, 8 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 1490.
ORCID: 0000-0002-0581-7429
ResearcherID: AAM-9414-2021
Hirsch Index (RSCI): 14.
Scopus Profile.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to specialty 5.3.1:
Sapogova E.E., Aleksandrova N.Y. Strategies of coping with psychological consequences of age discrimination in men and women. Problems of modern education. 2021. № 1. С. 33-46. URL: elibrary_45279765_74136483.pdf
Sapogova E.E., Bushmina A.A. Modern homo legens: adolescent "reading circle" in the context of general characteristics of intelligence. Problems of modern education. 2021. № 3. С. 55-69. URL: elibrary_46393355_39677865.pdf
Sapogova E.E. Psychosemantic content of the macrothesaurus "I" of adults, mature and elderly people. Bulletin of Vyatka State University. 2020. № 3 (137). С. 88-102. URL: elibrary_44492589_33108041.pdf
Sapogova E.E. Autobiographic Text As an Element of a Personal Subculture // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioral Sciences. EPSBC. - 2019. - Vol. LXIV-PSYRGGU 2019.  - Pp. 555-562. URL: article_109_5763_pdf_100.pdf - Yandex.Documents
Sapogova E.E. Structure of personal thesaurus: existential-psychological approach // Siberian psychological journal. 2019. № 73. С. 40-59. URL: http://journals.tsu.ru/psychology/&journal_page=archive&id=1887&article_id=42615
Sapogova E.E. Existential-psychological aspects of the experience of "nostalgia without memory". Problems of modern education. 2019. № 2. С. 28-45. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_37825163_17907082.pdf
Sociological Sciences
Olga Ivanovna Borodkina
Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Social Work at St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg)
D. in Psychology, specialty: 5.4.4. Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes. Topic of her doctoral dissertation: "Institutionalization of social prevention of socially dangerous diseases in the Russian Federation" (2008).
As of February 2022 author of 84 publications listed in the RSCI, including 23 publications in Russian journals listed in VAK and 13 publications listed in Scopus and 26 in Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 438.
ORCID: 0000-0002-0936-5757
ResearcherID: M-8251-2013.
Hirsch index (RSCI): 8.
Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to specialties 5.4.4., 5.4.7:
Borodkina O., Sibirev V. The digital capital of social services consumers: factors of influence and the need for investment // https://jsps.hse.ru/article/view/12244/12787 [Electronic resource] Journal of Social Policy Research. 2021. Т. 19. № 1. С. 129-142. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_45584688_10704171.pdf
Borodkina O.I., Grigorieva I.A. Present and future of social entrepreneurship in Russia // Journal of Social Policy Research. 2021. Т. 19. № 1. С. 5-6. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_45584679_86930062.pdf%MCEPASTEBIN%

Arkhipova E.B., Borodkina O.I., Deryugin P.P., Ivanova M.M., Lebedintseva L.A., Romanenko V.V., Starshinova A.V., Chikova E.V. Social entrepreneurship and investment: from theory to practice. Collective monograph / Saint Petersburg, 2020. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_46196515_77428262.pdf
Starshinova A.V., Borodkina O.I. NCO Activity in the sphere of social services: public expectations and regional practices. Journal of Social Policy Research. 2020. Т. 18. № 3. С. 411-428. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44030662_48269174.pdf
Ivanova M.M., Borodkina O.I. Development of Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in the Northwest Region of Russia. Vestnik of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2020. № 4. С. 622-636. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44468179_72139718.pdf
Starshinova A.V., Arkhipova E.B., Borodkina O.I.
Crowdsourcing technologies in municipal administration: the cases of Russian cities Sociology of Science and Technology. 2020. Т. 11. № 3. С. 90-105. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44411132_38614938.pdf
Zinaida Petrovna Zamaraeva
Doctor of Sociology, Head of the Department of Social Work and Conflictology at Perm State National Research University (Perm)
Doctor of Sociology, specialty 5.4.4. "Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes. Topic of his doctoral dissertation: "Institutionalization of Social Protection of the Population in Conditions of Modern Russia" (2007).
As of February 2022, author of 112 publications listed in the RSCI, including 31 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list and 4 publications included in Scopus, 3 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 373.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3070-723X.
ResearcherID: G-6823-2017
Hirsch index (RSCI): 8.
Scopus profile.
Some publications corresponding to specialties 5.4.1., 5.4.4., 5.4.7:
Zamaraeva Z. P. Influence of the mechanism of legislative regulation on the development of the social service system in the Russian Federation. Vestnik (Herald) of the Permian University. Legal Sciences. 2020. № 47. С. 83-106. URL: elibrary_42923500_50568063.pdf
Zamaraeva Z. P., Petrova D. A. The role of socialization institutions in the adaptation of orphans (according to sociological research in the Perm region). Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Socio-economic sciences. 2020. № 2. С. 44-58. URL: elibrary_43101734_39850900.pdf
Zamaraeva Z. P., Petrova D. A. Issues of social identity of orphans and children left without parental care in modern sociology. Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Socio-economic sciences. 2020. № 4. С. 113-125. URL: elibrary_44511712_40136544.pdf
Voronova K.A., Zamaraeva Z.P. The role of socio-contractual relations in overcoming poverty of the modern Russian family (according to sociological research in the Perm region). Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Socio-economic sciences. 2019. № 3. С. 27-38. URL: elibrary_41165858_83213937.pdf
P. Zamaraeva, K. A. Voronova, K. A. Antipyev, G. A. Telegina, L. I. Starovojtova. Assessment of Socio-Contractual Relations as a Mechanism for Overcoming Poverty in Modern Russian Families (Based on Sociological Studies Conducted in the Perm Krai) // International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) [Electronic resource]. - 2019. - Vol. 8, Iss. 7. - P. 2254-2262 URL: https://www.ijitee.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v8i7/G5822058719.pdf
Zamaraeva Z.P., Topekha T.A. Methodological issues of social problems research. In the collection: Theory and practice of social work in modern society. materials of the All-Russian with international participation scientific and practical conference. 2019. С. 28-30. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_41530109_92252938.pdf
Kogai Evgenia Anatolievna.
Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Department of Sociology and Political Science at Kursk State University (Kursk)
D. in Philosophy, specialty 5.7.7. "Social and Political Philosophy". Theme of his doctoral dissertation: "Value regulatives of ecological consciousness" (2001).
As of February 2022, author of 154 publications listed in the RSCI, including 72 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list and 3 publications included in Scopus, 2 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 1828.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2950-5710
ResearcherID: B-4772-2016
Hirsch index (RSCI): 18.
Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.

Some publications corresponding to the specialties
5.4.1., 5.4.4., 5.4.7.:
Belyaeva L.A., Shabunova A.A., Kogai E.A. Sociocultural Evolution of Post-Soviet Russia: Results of a Research Program. Sociological Studies. 2021. № 12. С. 135-141. URL: elibrary_47411144_64770638.pdf
Romashkina G.F., Kogai E.A. On the results of the round table "30 years of research on the socio-cultural evolution of Russia and its regions: results, prospects". URL: elibrary_46502139_70412118.pdf
Romashkina G.F., Kogay E.A. On the results of the round table "30 years of research on the socio-cultural evolution of Russia and its regions: results, prospects", Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast. 2021. Т. 14. № 4. С. 266-273. URL: elibrary_47153011_57212045.pdf
Kogai E.A. Institutional and regulatory resources of regional strategizing (Kursk case). Vestnik Voronezh State University. Series: History. Political Science. Sociology. 2020. № 4. С. 51-56. URL: Vestnik_Istori_4_2020.indd (elibrary.ru)
Kogai E.A. Sociocultural bases of strategic planning of development of municipalities: Kurchatov versus Kursk // Primo aspectu. 2019. № 3 (39). С. 32-42. URL: http://www.vstu.ru/uploadiblok/files/primo-aspectu/3(39)-2019.pdf
Kogai E.A. Potential of modernization transformations of the Russian macro-region: on the example of the Central Black Earth region // Public Opinion Monitoring: economic and social changes. 2018. № 6 (148). С. 147-160. URL: https://wciom.ru/fileadmin/file/monitoring/2018/148/2018_148_08_Kogay.pdf
Natalya Alexandrovna Lebedeva-Nesevrya.
Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the Department of Sociology at Perm State National Research University (Perm)
Doctor of Sociology in the specialty 14.02.05 "Sociology of Medicine". Subject of his doctoral dissertation: "Theory, methodology and practice of analysis of socially determined risks to public health" (2014).
As of February 2022 the author of 117 publications accounted in the RSCI, including 63 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list and 15 publications included in journals included in Scopus, 1 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 926.
ORCID: 0000-0003-3036-3542
ResearcherID: M-3342-2016
Hirsch index (RSCI): 11.
Scopus profile.
Some publications corresponding to specialties 5.4.4., 5.4.7:
Lebedeva-Nesevrya N.A., Barg A.O., Chechkin V.M. Natural-climatic and anthropogenic risk factors for health in subjective assessments of residents of cities of the far north. Zdorov'e naseleniya i ambienteniya - ZNiSO. 2020. № 7 (328). С. 8-13. URL: elibrary_43326969_91803872.pdf
Lebedeva-Nesevrya N.A., Barg A.O., Zinker M.Y., Kostarev V.G. Evaluation of the relationship of heterogeneous risk factors and morbidity of the working population of regions of Russia with different background health formation. Health risk analysis. 2019. № 2. С. 91-100. URL: elibrary_38471579_85184609.pdf
Lebedeva-Nesevria,N.A. & Barg A.O. & Tsinker M.Y. & Kostarev, V.G. Assessment of correlation between heterogeneous risk factors and morbidity among working population in Russian regions with different background of health formation // Health Risk Analysis. p. 91-100. 2019.2.10.eng. URL: http://journal.fcrisk.ru/eng/2019/2/10
Lebedeva-Nesevrya N.A., Eliseeva S.Y. The role of individual social capital in addressing issues related to physical health. In the collection: Topical issues of risk analysis in providing sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population and consumer protection. Proceedings of the IX All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation. 2019. С. 689-694. URL: https://elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_37628617_25270669.pdf
Prokofyeva, A.V. & Lebedeva-Nesevria, N.A. Creation of health-oriented city space as a way to manage pop-ulation health risk. // Health Risk Analysis. p. 144-155. 2018.3.16. URL: http://journal.fcrisk.ru/eng/sites/journal.fcrisk.ru.eng/files/upload/article/324/health-risk-analysis-2018-3-16.pdf
Lebedeva-Nesevrya N.A., Eliseeva S.Y. Social capital as a factor in the formation of population health: an analytical review. Health risk analysis. 2018. № 3. С. 156-164. URL: https://elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_35780558_77836129.pdf
            Omelchenko Elena Leonidovna.
Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the Sociology Department of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, Director of the Center for Youth Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg)
D. in Sociology, specialty 22.00.06 "Sociology of Culture, Spiritual Life. The topic of her doctoral dissertation is Identities and Cultural Practices of Russian Youth on the Edge of the 20th and 21st Centuries (2004).
As of February 2022 author of 92 publications listed in the RSCI, including 35 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list and 31 in journals included in Scopus, 23 in Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI):1841.
ORCID: 0000-0002-5951-3682
ResearcherID: K-5885-2015
Hirsch index (RSCI): 15.

Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to specialties 5.4.1., 5.4.4:
Omelchenko E.L. "I didn't help you with anything...": Research reflection following a failed interview. Interaction. Interview. Interpretation. 2020. Т. 12. № 1. С. 81-95. URL: elibrary_42621150_39458138.pdf
Omelchenko E.L. Is the Russian case of transformation of youth cultural practices unique? // Monitoring of public opinion: economic and social change. 2019. № 1 (149). С. 3-27. URL: https://www.monitoringjournal.ru/index.php/monitoring/article/view/611/513
Omelchenko E., Poliakov S. Everyday Consumption of Russian Youth in Small Towns and Villages // Sociologia Ruralis. 2018. Т. 58. № 3. С. 644-664. URL: https://publications.hse.ru/mirror/pubs/share/direct/198134329
Omelchenko E., Polyakov S. The concept of cultural scene as a theoretical perspective and tool for the analysis of urban youth communities. Sociological Review. 2017. Т. 16. № 2. С. 111-132. URL: https://sociologica.hse.ru/data/2017/06/30/1171215863/SocOboz_16_2_111-132_Omelchenko_Poliakov.pdf
Omelchenko E.L., Andreeva Y.V. What remains in the family history: the memory of the Soviet through the conversation of three generations. Sociological Studies. 2017. № 11 (403). С. 147-156. URL: https://elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_30509549_29481179.pdf
Sergey Alexandrovich Sudin.
Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of General Sociology and Social Work at N.I. Lobachevsky National Research University of Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod).
D. in Sociology, specialty 5.4.4. "Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes. Topic of her doctoral dissertation: "Sociological analysis of the role of civil society institutions in working with the mentally ill and their families" (2017).
As of February 2022, the author of 82 publications accounted in the RSCI, including 29 publications in Russian journals included in the VAK list, 2 publications included in journals included in Scopus, 1 - Web of Science. Number of citations (RSCI): 281.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3625-6804
ResearcherID: D-5052-2019
Hirsch index (RSCI): 7.
Scopus profile.
Web of Science profile.
Some publications corresponding to specialties 5.4.1., 5.4.4., 5.4.7:
      1. Rostovskaya T.K., Shabunova A.A., Arkhangelskiy V.N., Bagirova A.P., Baimurzina G.R., Burhanova F.B., Vasilieva E.N., Valiakhmetov R.M., Velikaya N.M., Ildarkhanova Ch.I, Kabashova E.V., Kalachikova O.N., Knyazkova E.A., Kodina I.N., Korolenko A.V., Kostyukov K.I., Kuchmaeva O.V., Saralieva Z.H.M., Svechinskaya T.A., Sotnikova N.N. et al. Demographic well-being of Russia's regions. National demographic report-2020 / Moscow, 2021. URL: elibrary_45594378_88979012.pdf
     2. Sudin S.A., Egorova N.Yu., Kuramshev A.V. Prospects for fertility growth: analysis of the demographic situation of Nizhny Novgorod region. In her collection: III All-Russian Demographic Forum with International Participation ALL-RUSSIAN DEMOGRAPHIC FORUM WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION. Materials of the forum. Moscow, 2021. С. 105-109. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_47314492_81089455.pdf
      3. Abramov A.N., Donskoi A.S., Ryabinin S.A., Sudin S.A., Trembovetsky V.V. Ways to Improve the Physical Training of Future Officers Studying in Military Training Centers at Civilian Universities for Military Service under Contract (on the Example of the NNSU) Vestnik of N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod University. Series: Social Sciences. 2021. № 3 (63). С. 158-164. URL: Vestnik NNSU (elibrary.ru)
    4. Golubin R.V., Sudin S.A., Dunaeva N.I., Afonin V.M., Ushakov A.V. Determination of the emotional tone of texts as a tool of social management: case COVID-19. Theory and practice of social development. 2021. № 4 (158). С. 13-19. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_45608082_36380593.pdf
       5. Demareva V.A., Sudin S.A., Golubin R.V., Bobro T.P. An interdisciplinary analysis of youth family values: psychophysiology and sociology Psychophysiology News. 2021. № 1. С. 36-38. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_45695027_40231301.pdf
       6. Saralieva Z.Kh., Sudin S.A., Vlaskin V.Y. Socializing possibilities of agents of social work of power structures: on an example of the army organization. In the collection: forms and methods of social work in various spheres of life. Materials of the X International Scientific-Practical Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of social work in Russia. Ulan-Ude, 2021. С. 257-259. URL: elibrary_47401496_34530770.pdf 
Dmitry Ivanovich Shirokanov.
Doctor of Philosophy, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
ORCID: 0000-0003-1178-6996
Some publications corresponding to the specialty 5.7.1:
Determinism: systems, development. - Minsk: Navuka i tekhnika, 1985 (in co-authorship).
Man: Philosophical Aspects of Consciousness and Activity. In: Navuka i Tekhnika, 1989 (in co-authorship).
Stereotypes and the Dynamics of Thinking. Minsk: Navuka i tekhnika, 1993 (in co-authorship).

Dmitri Ivanovich Shirokanov
Doctor of Philosophy, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
ORCID: 0000-0003-1178-6996
Some publications corresponding to the specialty 5.7.1:
Determinism: systems, development. - Minsk: Navuka i tekhnika, 1985 (in co-authorship).
Man: Philosophical Aspects of Consciousness and Activity. In: Navuka i Tekhnika, 1989 (in co-authorship).
Stereotypes and the Dynamics of Thinking. Minsk: Navuka i tekhnika, 1993 (in co-authorship).
Aleksandr A. Strokanov.
D., Head of Social Sciences Department, Director of Institute of Russian Language, History and Culture, Lyndon State College, USA.
ORCID: 0000-0003-0860-8830
Some publications corresponding to specialty 5.7.8:
Zhdanova, S. Yu., Pecherkina, A. V., A. A. Strokanov Structure of representation of the state of happiness in representatives of Russian and American cultures // Education and Science. 2017 № 7. С. 77 - 96.
Strokanov A.A., Zhdanova S.Y., Puzyreva L.O. Analysis of history textbooks in Russia and the USA from the point of view of representation of World War II in them // Political Linguistics. 2016 № 6. С. 205 - 212.
Strokanov A., Rogers D., Barclay S., Zhdanova S.Y. Cross-cultural features of perception and understanding of the feature film "Avatar" (on the example of Russian, American and Chinese students) // Psychology and Pedagogy. 2011. № 4. С. 44-51.
György Sarvari.
PhD, Director of Bardo Consulting Organizational Development Office (Budapest, Hungary)
ORCID: 0000-0001-6151-7765
Some publications corresponding to specialty 5.3.1:
Sarvari G. The path of the inner warrior. Coaching Handbook. Longhirst, 2011. - 254 p.
Sarvari Gy. Metastep. A Hermeneutic and Depth Psychological Systems View: an Integrative Paradigm to the Process of Interpretation and Understanding of Experiential Learning. Budapest, Animula Publishing Company, 1999. - 115 p.
Giorgio De Marquis
PhD Professor in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
ORCID: 0000-0001-9217-3141
Some publications corresponding to specialty 5.3.1:
De Marchis G. Psychological distance and reaction time in a Stroop task // Cognitive Processing, 2013. Issue 4. Pp. 401-410.
De Marchis G., Angulo B. Modelo de relaciones retóricas para la integración de la imagen y el texto //Icono, 2013. Issue 1. Pp. 27 - 44.
De Marchis G. Procesamiento heurístico y Comunicación. Una revisión y su clasificaciónm // ZER - Revista de Estudios de Communicacion. 2014. No 36. Pp. 77-98.
Stephen D. McDowell.
PhD, Director, Florida State University School of Communication (Tallahassee, USA)
Some publications corresponding to specialty 5.4.4:
Proffitt,J., Ekbia H., McDowell S. Special Forum: Monetization of user-generated content - Marx revisited. The Information Society. 2015. Issue 1, Pp.1-67.
McDowell S. D., Nensey Z., Steinberg P. E. Cooperative International Approaches to Network Security: Understanding and Assessing OECD and ITU Efforts to Promote Shared Cybersecurity // Cyber Space and International Relations: Theory, Prospects and Challenges. - Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2014. Pp. 231-252.
McDowell S. Commercial Control and Governance of Global Electronic Networks // Global Corporate Power: (Re)integrating Companies into IPE. International Political Economy Yearbook. - Lynne Rienner Publishers. 2006. Vol. 15.
Michael E. Rewes.
D., professor in the Department of Philosophy, Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA.
Some publications corresponding to specialty 5.7.1:
Ruse M. Atheism: What Everyone Needs To Know, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2015.
Ruse M. Science and Religion in Conflict? With Michael Peterson. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Forthcoming 2016.
Ruse M. The Biologically evolutionary explanations of religious belief. Evolution, Religion, and Cognitive Science: Critical and Constructive Essays. Edited by Fraser Watts and Leon Turner, 38-55. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Ruse M. Evolution: From pseudoscience to popular science, from popular science to professional science. Editors, Massimo Pigliucci and Maarten Boudry, Philosophy of Pseudoscience: Reconsidering the Demarcation Problem. 225-245. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.
Paul Aitken.
PhD, Adjunct Professor in the Department of Business at Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia.
Some publications corresponding to specialty 5.4.7:
Lichtenstein S., Aitken P. The value challenge to developing ethical leadership: a research and practice agenda for values-based leadership. Article one // Vestnik of Perm Universitsity. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2015. № 2. С. 12-18.
Lichtenstein S., Aitken P. The Value Challenge to Ethical Leadership Development: A Research and Practice Agenda for Values-Based Leadership. Article Two // Vestnik (Herald) of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. 2015. № 3. С. 14-23.
Aitken P. Attack/Affect: System of a Down and Genocide Activism // Misicultures. 2011. Vol 38. Pp.