Rules for authors

Editorial Board of the scientific journal "Bulletin of Perm University. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology" (ISSN 2078-7898, ISSN online 2686-7532) invites to publish articles containing original ideas and research results, as well as translations and literature reviews. The journal is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia.

The Editorial Board accepts original articles in Russian and English in the following branches of science and relevant scientific specialties:

5.7.1 Ontology and Theory of Cognition

5.7.2 History of Philosophy

5.7.7 Social and political philosophy

5.7.8 Philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture

5.3.1 General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology

5.4.1 Theory, methodology and history of sociology

5.4.4 Social structure, social institutions and processes

5.4.7 Sociology of Management

The publication is included in the international databases Ulrich's Periodicals Directory and EBSCO Discovery Service, in the electronic libraries "IPRbooks", "University Library Online", "CyberLeninka", "Rukont", in the electronic system Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

Rules of text design

When preparing articles, Microsoft Word editor (version 2003 and below) is used. The article is submitted electronically (in RTF format). The file name is the last name of the author (the first co-author).

Page parameters. A4 page format, 2 cm margins on each side. The distance to the header and footer is 1.25 cm.

The title of the article should be typed in lower case bold letters and formatted in the center.

The main text of the article is designed in the "Normal/Normal" style: font - Times New Roman, 11 pt, spacing - 1, paragraph indent - 1 cm.Italicized and bold type are allowed, as well as the insertion of special symbols into the text (using Symbol fonts).O (letter) and 0 (zero); 1 (Arabic numeral), I (Roman numeral) and l (Latin letter); hyphen (-) and dash (-) should be clearly distinguished in the text.The designation of centuries should be written in Roman numerals (19th century). The recommended quotation marks are "..."; when emphasizing within quotations, another type of quotation mark should be used, e.g.: "..."..."...".
The journal does not accept materials in essay format. It is recommended to divide the text of the article into sections:
- introduction;
- main content (it is recommended to divide the body of the article into several thematic parts and give each of them its own name!);
- results/discussion;
- conclusion/conclusions.
Headings to the main sections of the article should be designed in a uniform style. The use of automatic lists is not allowed. Numbered lists should be typed manually.
Tables should be accompanied by a heading of the form "Table 1.Table title".Words in tables should be written in full. At the end of the headings and table cells no period should be put.The Russian version of the title, table name and notes (if any) to the table should be accompanied by its translation into English.

Figures should be placed in the text of the article in the form of embedded objects.
Figures should be labeled with captions such as "Fig. 1.Title of the figure".At the end of all titles and captions to figures no period should be put.Captions and notes (if any) to figures should be given both in Russian and in English.Figures, graphs, diagrams should be clear, easy to read.

Formulas should be executed in the formula editor Microsoft Word Equation, version 3.0 and below.
Bibliographic references in the text are made out in the language of the sources according to the principles of Harvard style of design ( with the indication of pages of the source of citation (in case of direct quotation on specific pages or reference to a specific fragment of the source without direct quotation).References to the used literature are given in the text of the article in square brackets.
The reference list should not contain sources that are not referenced in the text of the article. The reference list should include all sources referenced in the text of the article.
Page footnotes for references to literature are not allowed. After completing the main text of the article, the author can add a section Acknowledgements in Russian and English, in which a reference to the program, within the framework of which the work was done, or the support fund is indicated.
References in the text are arranged in the following form:

- one author: [Novikov A.M., 2002, p. 52], [Vernaleken A., 2006, p. 7];

- two authors:[Obukhov, Ivanova, 1999, p. 130];

- several authors: the name of the first author is indicated followed by "and others" [Ivanova et al.[Ivanova et al., 2002], but in the reference list the edition should include all authors' names;

- several references in alphabetical order separated by semicolons: [Orlov, Vasilyeva, 2006; Ryabukhin, 2009], [Sociology of the city..., 2010, p. 71; Petrov, 2010, p. 55];
- two or more works by one author:[Beresneva, 2014, 2016], [Vnutskikh, 2017a, 2017b];

- edited books, conference proceedings, encyclopedias, dictionaries, other publications:[Psycho-pedagogical..., 2014, p. 198], [Sociology and the end..., 2011].
The list of references in accordance with the practice of international scientific journals, it is recommended to compile at least 15-20 sources; it is recommended to include references to modern journals and monographs in foreign languages.

The list of references at the end of the article is prepared by the author (authors) in two versions: in Russian, according to GOST 7.07-2021 (, but without numbering the sources, and in English, according to the principles of Harvard style of design ( also without numbering the sources.
The Russian version of the reference list should contain all sources, arranged according to GOST 7.07-2021 in alphabetical (Russian) order without numbering. Obligatory

is indicated: for books - surname and initials of the author (italicized), title, city, publishing house, year of publication, volume, number of pages; for journal articles, proceedings - surname and initials of the author, title of the article, full name of the journal, series, year, volume, number, issue, pages; for conference proceedings - surname and initials of the author, title of the article, title of the publication, time and place of the conference, city, publishing house, year, pages.
Attention: if the source, placed in the bibliographic list, has a DOI identifier, its indication in the Bibliographic List section in the form of an active hyperlink is mandatory!DOI is indicated at the end of the bibliographic record, separated from the pages by a dot and a space. DOI information for sources can be found at:

Vnutskikh A.Yu.Global catastrophic risks in the light of the concept of a single natural world process // Vestnik of Perm University. Philosophy.Psychology. Sociology.2017. Vyp. 4. С.528-536. DOI:

Bard, P. On Emotional Expression After Decortications With Some Remarks on Certain Theoretical Views. Psychological Review. 1934, vol. 41, p. 309. DOI:

References in the Cyrillic alphabet in non-Russian versions (Belarusian, Ukrainian, Slovenian, etc.) should be accompanied by a translation into Russian or English.

For articles that have only English-language sources in the reference list, the reference list is made only one, in accordance with the rules of the English version of the reference list.
The English version of the reference list ("References") should be made in accordance with the principles of Harvard style of design and contain all sources in alphabetical (English) order without numbering.
All authors of the cited work should be cited, not limited to three or four, so that they are all counted in the database.Use the conjunction and to link the names of the last two authors. In the English version of the reference list, only "." and "," should be used to separate information. The signs ":", "-", "/", "//" do not apply.
When writing the title of a Russian book, article, journal, conference, etc. in English, it is desirable to use the generally accepted translation, if any (for example, the novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky is called "What Is to Be Done?" in English translation, not "What to Do?").Please check official conference websites, RINC, English-language Wikipedia, and other sources that may contain English-language titles.The main thing that should be clear to a foreign reader who is not familiar with the Russian language is the authors and the source.Transliteration must necessarily be accompanied by a translation.
Transliteration rules for References:
For help with transliteration, you can use, setting up transliteration according to the above rules (you should especially check the transliteration of the letter š).
Russian names can be transliterated either according to the above rules (e.g., "Ivanov", "Ignatev") or according to other rules if their other spelling is found in other sources or documents of the author (e.g., "Sergei" instead of "Sergey"). Foreign surnames should be written in the common European form (e.g., "Agazzi" instead of "Agatstsi", "Marx" instead of "Marks").
English rules capitalize all significant words (that is, all words except articles, conjunctions, short prepositions, and particles).
Template for book design:
Author/s, editors, translators, etc. (last name comma initials) Year of publication. Title. Information about the edition (information about reprinting, edition number, series), Place of publication, Publisher. Volume - number of pages.
The title of a Russian-language book is given in transliteration and then translated into English in square brackets (for translated editions, the original English translation is given in brackets).


Panina, T.S. and Vavilova, L.N. (2008). Sovremennye sposoby aktivizacii obucheniya [Modern ways of activating learning]. Moscow: Akademiya Publ., 176 p.

Black, B., Kraakman, R. and Tarasova A. (1999). Kommentariy Federal'nogo zakona "Ob aktsionernykh obshchestvakh" [Commentary to the Federal Law "Ob aktsionernykh obshchestvakh"]. [Commentary to the Federal Law "On Joint-Stock Companies"]. Moscow: COLPI Labirint, 720 p.

Porter, M. (2008). Konkurentnaya strategiya: metodika analiza otraslei i konkurentov. Per. s angl. 3-e izd. [Competitive strategy: methodology for analyzing industries and competitors. Trans. from Eng. 3rd ed.]. Moscow, Al'pina Biznes Buks Publ., 453 p.

Turner, A. (2006). Introduction to Neogeography. London, O'Reilly Media, 56 p.

Template for organizing articles or individual chapters with different authors from a book or collection:

Author/s, editors, translators, etc. (last name comma initials) Year of publication. Title of the article: information related to the title. Book title: information related to the title. Place of publication, Publisher, Location of the article - page spacing.

The title of the Russian-language source is given in English translation (for translated editions the original English title is given). For English-language sources, the original English title should be given.


Gonobolin, F.N. (1962) Psihologicheskiy analiz pedagogicheskih sposobnostey [Psychological analysis of pedagogical abilities]. Sposobnosti i interesy [Abilities and interests]. Moscow, APN RSFSR Publ., pp. 63-72.

Dissertation template:
Author (last name comma initials) Year of publication.Title: Ph.D. Thesis/D.Sc.Thesis.Place of writing, Publisher (if indicated). Volume - number of pages.


Voskresenskaya, E.V. (2003).Pravovoe regulirovanie otsenochnoi deyatel'nosti: dis. ... kand. yurid.nauk [Legal regulation of valuation activities: dissertation].St. Petersburg, 187 p.

Meadows, K. (2017).Aristotle on ontological priority: Ph.D. Thesis.Stanford: Stanford University, 185 p.

Dissertation abstract template:

Author (last name comma initials) Year of publication.Title: Abstract of Ph.D./D.Sc. dissertation.Place of writing, Publisher (if indicated). Volume - number of pages.


Bezrodnaya, V.F. (2004). Osobennosti formirovaniya grazhdanskogo obshchestva v protsesse politicheskoi modernizatsii Ukrainy: avtoref. dis.... kand.polit. nauk [Features of civil society development in the process of political modernization of Ukraine: Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation].Odessa, 16 p.

Template for articles from newspapers or magazines:
Author/s (last name comma initials) Year of publication.Title of the article in English translation in square brackets: information related to the title. Journal title. Issue number, Location of the article - page spacing.

The title of the Russian-language source is given in transliteration and then translated into English in square brackets (for translated editions, the original English title is given in brackets).

Nazarchuk, A.V. (2011).[Network research in the social sciences].Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies].No. 1, pp. 39-51.

Fedosiuk, O. (2005). Trafficking in human beings in criminal law and practice of courts. Law.No. 54, pp. 72-73.

Template for the design of sources of the electronic resource of remote access:

The title of a Russian-language source is given in transliteration and then translated into English in square brackets (for translated editions, the original English title is given in brackets).For English-language sources, the original English title should be given.
Author/s (last name comma initials) Year.Title.Available at: URL (without punctuation at the end) (accessed - date of access).
Bauman, Z.(2011).Tekuchaya modernost: vzglyad iz 2011 goda [Flowing Modernity: view from 2011].Available at: http:\\ (accessed 21.07.2017).
For articles that have only English-language sources in the reference list, the reference list is made only one, in accordance with the principles of Harvard style of design.
For sources in other languages (e.g. German), the data are written in English and the original language.


Goltz, F. (1892).Der Hund ohne Grosshirn.Siebente Abhandlung über die Verrichtungen des Grosshirns [The Dog Without a Cerebrum: Seventh Treatise on the Functions of the Cerebrum].Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie [Archives of All Physiology].
Bd. 51, no. 11-12, pp. 570-614.

For articles that have only English-language sources in the reference list, the reference list is made only one, in accordance with the rules of the English version of the reference list.
Page footnotes for references to the literature are not allowed.

It is allowed to indicate in the format of a page footnote on the program under which the work was done, or the name of the support fund.
The article should be accompanied by:

UDC index;
an abstract in Russian and English consisting of at least 200 words;
keywords (up to 15 words) in Russian and English (please separate keywords with commas) with the title Keywords/Keywords;
information about the author in a separate file (in Russian and English): surname, name, patronymic, place of work and position, academic degree, academic title, full postal address (with an index) - working and the address to which the author's copy of the journal will be sent, telephone number, e-mail address;
information about the author's ResearcherID in the form of an active hyperlink (registration is possible at
The text of the abstract should not be divided into paragraphs. The abstract should avoid unnecessary introductory phrases (e.g., "The article considers..." or "The author considers...") The abstract should disclose the content of the study and include the following information:

- subject, topic, goals of the work (if they are not obvious from the title of the article);
- the method or methodology of the work (if they are characterized by novelty and represent the following information.

- subject, topic, goals of the work (if they are not obvious from the title of the article);
- method or methodology of the work (if they are novel and of special interest);

- results of the work
- the field of application of the results;
- conclusions (may be accompanied by recommendations, evaluations, suggestions, hypotheses described in the article).

When preparing an abstract in English, complex grammatical constructions not used in scientific English should be avoided. You should, for example, use the active rather than the passive voice: "The study tested" rather than "It was tested in the study".

Detailed recommendations on how to prepare a high-quality abstract can be found in the work of O.V. Kirillova, SCOPUS expert ( ).
The manuscript received by the Editorial Board will not be returned.The Editorial Board reserves the right to carry out editorial revisions of the texts of the articles without changing their basic meaning, without the author's consent. The opinion of the editorial board members may not coincide with the opinion of the authors of the articles.
Articles and related materials are sent by the author to the e-mail address and duplicated on the platform The date of receipt of the article is the day of receipt of the manuscript by the editorial board.

In accordance with the "Regulations on Ethical Standards of Editorial Policy of Perm State National Research University", the author, sending a manuscript to the editorial office, accepts personal responsibility for the originality of the research and reliability of the information presented in it. The author is responsible for the unauthorized use in a scientific article of intellectual property objects, copyright objects in full in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
In connection with the formation by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of a unified register of organizations, individuals and mass media performing the functions of a foreign agent, we kindly ask the authors to check the text of the articles and references in them for inclusion of the relevant subjects in the unified register:
If there are references/links to individuals, organizations and mass media from the above register, it is necessary to put a footnote sign * (asterisk) after the full name, name of the organization or mass media and on the same page under the text to indicate Included in the register of foreign agents by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the date of inclusion:
If there are indications/references to individuals, organizations and mass media from the above registers, it is necessary to put a footnote sign * (asterisk) after the full name, name of the organization or mass media and on the same page under the text to indicate Included in the Register of such-and-such by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the date of inclusion.

If there are indications/references to individuals, organizations and mass media from these registers, it is necessary to put a footnote sign * (asterisk) after the full name, name of the organization or mass media and on the same page under the text to indicate Included in the Register of such and such by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the date of inclusion.
By sending the article to the editorial board, the author confirms that the article has not been published elsewhere, has not been sent and will not be sent for publication in other scientific editions. By sending the article to the Editorial Board, the author confirms that he/she is familiar with and agrees with the above requirements and is ready to sign a license agreement with the Publisher (the text of the license agreement is available on the Internet at:
The authors are not required to submit third-party reviews. All articles are subjected to a double-blind review procedure. Accepted articles are rated and selected for publication in the next issues.
Publication is free of charge for all authors.


Contact information of the editorial board:

e-mail:, tel. +7(342) 2396-305