License agreement

License agreement
Articles of Incorporation 




License agreement
for the right to use scientific works in scientific journals,
The founder of which is the Perm State National Research University
г. Perm " _____" _____________ 20__ year.

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Perm State National Research University", hereinafter referred to as "Publisher" (Licensee), represented by the Acting Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Piankov Sergey Vasilyevich, acting by Power of Attorney № 10-3/613/2 of 14.02.2023, issued by the Acting Rector of PSRU Germanov Igor Anatolyevich, acting under the Charter, on the one hand, and
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ (ФИО полностью автора) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (место работы автора)
E-mail: ___________________________SPIN code (RSCI):_______________ AuthorID (RSCI):_______________ (author)
ORCID: ______________________________________________________________________________________ (другие идентификаторы автора)
acting on their own behalf, hereinafter referred to individually or jointly as "Author" (Contributors) (Licensor), have entered into this Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement") on publication of materials in scientific journals of Perm State National Research University on the following conditions.
The Author, from the entry into force of this Agreement, grants the Publisher on a royalty-free basis an exclusive license to use the scientific work created by the Author (Co-authors) (hereinafter referred to as the "Articles"), with the title: ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________, approved and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of the PSNIU scientific journal in ____________________________________________________________________________(name of the journal) within the limits provided for in this Agreement, without retaining for the Author (Coauthors) the right to issue similar licenses to other persons.
In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 1270 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and this Agreement, the use of the Article is understood as:
- reproduction of the Article or its separate part in any material form, including on paper and electronic media in journals and/or databases of the Publisher and/or other persons at the discretion of the Publisher and/or the Founder of the Journal;
- distribution of the Article or any part thereof as part of the Journal and/or databases of the Publisher or other persons, at the discretion of the Publisher and/or the Publisher of the Journal, or as an independent work around the world;
- making the Article available to the public in such a way that any person may access the Article from any place and at any time of his/her own choosing (making the Article available to the public, including via the Internet);
- sublicensing (permission to use the Article and its individual materials) the rights received under this Agreement to third parties, notifying the Authors about this by placing the relevant information on the Publisher's website;
- translation from one language to another or other revision of the work;
- other rights not expressly granted to the Publisher hereunder, including patent rights to any processes, methods or techniques and other things described by the Author (Contributors) in the Article, as well as trademark rights, remain with the Author (Contributors), other rightholders.
To translate the Article from its original language into Russian (in case the Author submits the Article to the Journal in a foreign language) or from Russian into English, if the Editorial Board considers it appropriate.
The granting of rights under this Agreement includes the right to process the form of submission of the Article for its use in interaction with computer programs and systems (databases), publication and distribution in machine-readable format and introduction in search systems (databases).
The publication of the Article in the Journal is carried out under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
The Author transfers to the Publisher the rights stipulated in the Agreement for the entire term of copyright and for use in all countries of the world.
The Author (Contributors) warrants that:
2.1 The Author(s) holds the exclusive copyrights to the Article transferred to the Publisher.
2.2. The Author(s) has (have) informed the other Contributors about the terms of this Agreement and has (have) obtained the consent of all Contributors to enter into this Agreement on the terms and conditions provided for in the Agreement.

2.3 The Article is an original work submitted for consideration only to this Journal and that the Author(s) have not published the Article earlier in the volume of more than 15% in other printed and/or electronic editions except for the publication of the preprint (manuscript) of the Article.
2.4 The Article contains all the references to the quoted authors and/or editions (materials) stipulated by the current copyright law, that the Author (co-authors) received all the necessary permissions for the results, facts and other borrowed materials used in the Article, the right holder of which is not the Author (co-authors).
2.5 The Article does not contain materials that are not subject to publication in the open press, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, and its publication and distribution will not lead to the disclosure of secret (confidential) information (including state secrets).
Rights and Obligations of the Author (Contributors)
3.1 The Author undertakes:
3.1.1. Comply with the "Regulations on Ethical Standards of Editorial Policy of Perm State National University" and other requirements of the journal's editorial board, published on the journal's website.
3.1.2 Submit the manuscript and metadata of the Article in accordance with the Rules for Authors published on the website of the Publisher or the Journal.
3.1.3 In the process of preparing the Article for publication:
- make corrections to the text and metadata of the Article as indicated by the reviewers and accepted by the Editorial Board of the Journal, and/or, if necessary, finalize the Article at the Publisher's request;
- read the proofreading(s) of the Article within the deadlines stipulated by the Journal's publishing schedule;
- to make in the proofreading of the Article only the minimum of edits that are related to the need to correct errors made in the original Article and/or to make factual and circumstantial changes.
3.1.4. Not to publish the Article in the volume of more than 15% in other printed and/or electronic publications in Russian without the Publisher's consent.
3.1.5. Not to use for commercial purposes and in other publications without the Publisher's consent an electronic copy of the Article, prepared by the Publisher, in case of its transfer to the Author.
3.1.6. During the term of this Agreement the Author shall not be entitled to transfer to third parties all or part of the rights granted to the Licensee under this Agreement, publish and use the Article, Translation of the Article for commercial purposes or grant such rights to third parties.
3.1.7. receive (in addition to his signature) the Employer's signature if the Article materials were prepared in the course of the work assignment and are the property of the Employer. By this Agreement, the Employer transfers to the Publisher all rights to use the Article on the terms and conditions provided by this Agreement.
3.1.8 In the event of claims against the Publisher related to the violation of exclusive copyright and other intellectual property rights of third parties in the creation of the Article, or in connection with the conclusion of the Author (co-authors) of this Agreement, the Author undertakes
- Immediately, upon receipt of the Publisher's notice, take steps to resolve disputes with third parties, if necessary, to enter into litigation on the side of the Publisher and take all actions in his power to exclude the Publisher from the list of defendants;
- reimburse to the Publisher the legal costs incurred, costs and damages resulting from the application of measures to secure the claim and the execution of the judgment, and the amounts paid to third parties for the violation of exclusive copyright and other intellectual property rights, as well as other damages incurred by the Publisher in connection with the failure of the Author (Contributors) to comply with the guarantees provided by them under this Agreement.
3.1.9. Reflect in the personal ORCID profile specified in this Agreement, the fact of publication of the Article.
3.2 The Author(s) have the right to:
3.2.1. Use printed or electronic preprints of an unpublished manuscript of the Article in the form and content accepted by the Publisher for publication in the Journal. Such preprints may be posted in the form of electronic files on the Author's (Contributors') website or on the protected external website of the employer of the Author (Contributors) of the Article, but not for commercial sales or systematic external distribution by a third party.
In doing so, the Author(s) must:
- Include the following warning in the preprint: "This is a preprint of an Article accepted for publication in (name of Journal, (©), copyright (year). Copyright holder listed in the Journal)";
- provide an electronic link to the website of the Journal or the Publisher.
3.2.2 Photocopy or give a copy of the printed Article in whole or in part to colleagues without charge for their personal or professional use, to promote academic or scientific research or for employer information purposes.

3.2.3 Use materials from the published Article in a book written by the Author (co-authors).
3.2.4. to use separate figures or tables and text extracts from the Article for their own educational purposes or for inclusion in another work or for presentation in electronic format in the internal (protected) computer network or on the external website of the Author (Co-Authors) or their employer.
3.2.5. Include materials of the Article in educational collections for use in classrooms, for gratuitous distribution of materials to persons studying with the Author (Contributors) or save materials in electronic format on a local server for access by trainees as part of a course of study and for internal training programs at the employer's institution.
3.2.6 Any authorized use by the Author and/or other persons of the Article, Translation of the Article (including any single part or fragment thereof) must contain indications (references) to the Journal, the Author, the title of the Article, the volume, the number of the Journal, the year of publication and the pages indicated in the Journal.
Publisher's rights and obligations
The decision to accept the Article for publication is the exclusive prerogative of the Licensee.
4.1 The Publisher undertakes:
4.1.1 Provide, at his own expense, reviewing of the Article, scientific, literary and artistic and technical editing, production and/or processing of illustrative material, production of paper and electronic original layout. Reproduction in paper and electronic form of the issue of the Journal with the Author's article and its distribution in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
4.1.2. Bring the results of the reviewing to the Author's attention.
4.1.3. to agree with the Author the amendments made to the Article taking into account the terms of clauses 2 and 3.1 of this Agreement. 2. and 3.1 of this Agreement.
4.1.4 Provide the Author with an electronic file of the Article after the publication of the Article in the Journal on condition that the Author (Co-Authors) provide electronic addresses.
The Publisher guarantees:
- the right to inviolability of the Article and protection from distortion, the current standard of printing works, protection of copyright from illegal use of the Article and respect for the right of authorship and the right of the Author (Contributors) to the name.
The Publisher has the right to:
6.1 For any subsequent authorized use by the Author(s) (and/or other persons) of the Journal and/or the Article (including any of its separate parts, fragments), to demand from the said persons the reference to the Journal, the Publisher or other right holder of the Journal, the Author(s) or other copyright holders, the title of the Article, volume, number of the Journal and year of publication specified in(on) the Journal.
6.2 At its own discretion, to pay royalties for individual articles prepared at the request of the Publisher (Editorial Board of the Journal), but not as a result of job duties or the employer's job assignment, at the rates established by the Publisher.
6.3 To place in the media and other information sources preliminary and/or advertising information about the forthcoming publication of the Article.
6.4 Independently, without notifying the author, withdraw the article from publication or use other ways of withdrawal (retraction) of the article in case of detection in terms of compliance with ethical standards for the publication of articles.
6.5 To establish the rules (conditions) for accepting and publishing the Journal's materials. The Editorial Board of the Journal has the exclusive right to select and/or reject materials sent to the Journal's editorial board for publication. The manuscript (material medium) sent by the Author(s) to the Editorial Board shall not be returned. The Editorial Board does not enter into correspondence about the rejection of the Article by the Editorial Board of the Journal.
Other terms and conditions of the Agreement
7.1 This Agreement enters into force at the moment when the Editorial Board decides to accept the Article for publication. If the Article is not accepted for publication or the Author (co-authors) has withdrawn the manuscript at the stage of decision making by the Editorial Board, this Contract does not enter into force (lapses). If the Article is not accepted for publication, the Publisher notifies the Author within 15 calendar days, provided the Author (co-authors) provide the Editorial Board with contact phone numbers (addresses).
7.2 This contract is valid for the entire period of the exclusive right.
7.3 The Author agrees to the publication of the manuscript with all corrections, additions and changes made (all types of editing: scientific, literary and technical).
7.4 Pursuant to Article 1269 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Author (Co-Authors) has the right to refuse the earlier decision to publish (reproduce) the Article (right of withdrawal) on condition that the Publisher is compensated for the losses caused by such decision. If the Article is published, the Author (Contributors) is also obliged to publicly notify of its withdrawal. At the same time, the Author (co-authors) has the right to withdraw from circulation previously issued copies of the Article, the Journal, reimbursing the losses caused by it.

7.5 The terms and conditions of this Agreement and the legal relations of the Parties not regulated by the Agreement shall be subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.6 Disputes and disagreements arising in connection with this Agreement, the parties shall try to settle by negotiation.
7.7 If it is impossible to settle disputes and disagreements by negotiations, they are submitted for consideration to the Arbitration Court at the location of the Licensee.
7.8 Based on Articles 433 and 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this contract shall be considered concluded after the following events:
- Licensee's receipt of the Article provided by the Author in accordance with clause 3.1 of this Agreement;
- Signing of this Agreement by both parties.
Details and signatures of the parties

Author (Contributors):

Passport information: ____________________________
Адрес: ________________________________________
Телефон: ______________________________________

e-mail: __________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Perm State National Research University
Author (co-authors):

INN 5903003330 KPP 590301001


Passport details: ____________________________
Адрес: ________________________________________
Телефон: ______________________________________

e-mail: __________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________

Legal address: 15 Bukireva St., Perm, 614990
Address for correspondence:
15 Bukireva St., Perm, 614990
Penal Code Department of the Perm Region (Perm State Pedagogical University, l/s 30566K14330)
PERMM OF THE BANK OF RUSSIA//PFK for the Perm Region г. Perm
БИК 015773997
Bank correspondent account 40102810145370000048
Bank account 032146430000015600
OCTO 57701000, OKATO 57401365000, OGRN 1025900762150, OKPO 02069071
Tel.: 8(342)239-61-12

fax: 8 (342)237-16-11
E-mail: ________________________________


__________________/ ______________________
(Signature) (Signature printed)


__________________/ ______________________
(Signature) (Signature decryption)
The text of the Agreement is posted on the website of Perm State National Research University and can also be obtained by e-mail from the "Department of Scientific Periodicals and Continuing Publications of Perm State National Research University": or from the editors of scientific journals of Perm State National Research University.
Appendix No. 1
to the contract No. _____
dated ____________ 20 ___.

List of Works


Title of the Work

Author, co-authors

Number of sheets

Year of creation

Number of independent parts of the work
(if any)


Publisher Author

_____________________/_______________ / ___________________ /_______________/

Appendix no. 2
to the contract # _____
dated ____________ 20 ___.

Requirements for the manuscript

The requirements for the manuscript are posted on the website of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of Perm State National Research University at: