Scientific specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission

The scientific specialties of the journal were adjusted in connection with updating the list of scientific specialties as follows

Until 12.25.2021

Starting from 03.25.2022

09.00.01 Ontology and theory of knowledge

5.7.1  Ontology and theory of knowledge

09.00.11 Social philosophy

5.7.7 Social and political

09.00.03 History of philosophy

5.7.2 History of philosophy

09.00.13 Philosophical anthropology,
philosophy of culture

5.7.8 Philosophical anthropology,
philosophy of culture

19.00.01 General psychology, psychology
personality, history of psychology

5.3.1 General psychology, psychology
personality, history of psychology

22.00.01 Theory, methodology and history

5.4.1 Theory, methodology and history

22.00.04 Social structure, social institutions and processes

5.4.4 Social structure, social institutions and processes

22.00.08 Sociology of management

5.4.7 Sociology of management