The notional transformation of paradigms in the transition from classical to post-non-classical science



  • Olga V. Ruptash Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University; 2, Kotsjubynsky str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine


methodology, scientific rationality, paradigm, post-nonclassical science, synergetics


The paper deals with a background and main characteristics of the paradigms’ transformation of scientific cognition at the present stage of scientific development. The starting point of the study is the typology of rationality, classical — nonclassical — post-nonclassical, developed by V. S. Stepin. As well the author considers special post-nonclassical development trends of leading methodological strategies for different types of sciences (natural, social and human, and technical). The integrative role of the notion of sense in the development of the concept of rationality is revised. The ideas, principles and methodological potentialities of synergetics to form a conceptual framework of post-nonclassical science are pointed out. The semantic vectors of post-nonclassical science based on such attitudes as methodological doubt, synergetic outlook, interdisciplinary synthesis, the principle of equivalence of the whole and its parts, the complementarity principle, the idealization of the nonlinear medium, the human scale principle, and an introduction of value-sense coordinates of cognition are discussed. Their role and significance in shaping of the modern image of science is defined.

Author Biography

Olga V. Ruptash, Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University; 2, Kotsjubynsky str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine

D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Philosophy


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