The subjectivity of the rehabilitant’s personality as conceived by temperance movements

Philosophy «Problematization of the human: an ongoing project» (special issue)


  • Varvara A. Zotova Russian State University for the Humanities, 6, Miusskaya sq., Moscow, 125993, Russia
  • Jinna G. Litinskaya Institute of Social Sciences Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 82, Vernadskiy av., Moscow, 119571, Russia



subjectivity, healthy lifestyle, sobriety, temperance movements, anonymous alcoholics, addictive behavior, Shichko method


The article presents a comparative analysis of the ideas about the subjectivity of the rehabilitant’s personality in terms of approaches to the treatment of alcoholism used by various temperance movements. Following the definition offered by R.M. Voitenko, the authors use the term «rehabilitant» to denote the an aid recipient in the rehabilitation process. The article compares how the subjectivity of a person undergoing rehabilitation is perceived in traditional narcology, in Alcoholics Anonymous, in the Union of Approval and Preservation of Sobriety «Sober Ural» (Shichko’s methodology), and in the People’s Sobriety Organization of the Sverdlovsk region (Sverdlovsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church). The research focuses on the concept of «subjectivity». A hypothesis is formulated that the conceptual attitude towards a rehabilitant embedded in the paradigm of a particular treatment method directly affects the success of therapy. The hypothesis is based on the socio-philosophical uncertainty that arose around the discussion on the influence of the rehabilitant’s personality and the influence of medicine taken by the rehabilitant during the illness and treatment for alcoholism. The authors draw attention to the problem that the traditional narcological approach causes desubjectification of rehabilitants, which leads to a decrease in the treatment success. At the same time, the practical activities of various temperance movements are also differentiated depending on the paradigm of the rehabilitant’s subjectivity laid down at the ideological level. Using comparative analysis, the authors come to a conclusion that the ideology of some temperance movements is based on the rejection of the rehabilitant’s personal subjectivity in order to form, to a certain extent, the subjectivity of a group, a collective. The theoretical possibility of forming a collective subject allows a new view of the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of addiction treatment and represents a methodological «bridge» to explain the phenomenon of the territories of sobriety.

Author Biographies

Varvara A. Zotova, Russian State University for the Humanities, 6, Miusskaya sq., Moscow, 125993, Russia

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Political Sociology

Jinna G. Litinskaya, Institute of Social Sciences Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 82, Vernadskiy av., Moscow, 119571, Russia

Candidate of of Philosophy, Associate Professorof the Department of Psychology


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