


world literature, artistic regularities, comparative and historical method, literature teaching, novel, Alexandre Belsky.


It is the experience of teaching and studies of world literature at Perm State University that is analyzed from the historical perspective. The author of the essay shows what traditions were laid down as early as the foundation of the University in Perm in October 1916 and how profoundly they have been observed and developed since then. The stress is put on research, teaching and managerial activities of Professor Alexandre Belsky, the Head of the World Literature Department in 1964–1977. It is shown that teaching of world literature at PSU has been held since 1916 based on the analysis of the main artistic regularities, sustainable ‘models of literature’ characteristic of each period of the world literary process. It is emphasized that this analysis is held in diachronic and synchronic aspects with strong understanding how important and essential for the development of world literature the peculiarities of each national literature are.

Author Biography

Борис Михайлович Проскурнин (Boris M. Proskurnin), Perm State University

Professor in the Department of World Literature and Culture


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How to Cite

Проскурнин (Boris M. Proskurnin) Б. М. (2017). WORLD LITERATURE TEACHING AND STUDIES AT PERM STATE UNIVERSITY: HISTORICAL VIEW INTO THE FUTURE. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, (4).

