official style, executive branch discourse, directive documents, tonality, volition, functional semantic field.Abstract
The linguistic textual analysis of tonality of the executive branch directive documents is given. Tonality is understood as a field category of text reflecting the author's emotional and volition mindset, his or her stance on the subject matter, the addressee and the communicative situation and including subfields of emotionality, intensity and volition. System relations of the three subfields are discovered: the dominance of the subfield of volition and the indistinct character of the subfield of emotivity. The emotive tonality of a directive document is traced only in its officiality achieved through its bureaucratic style, official style units and other means of the bookish language. The subfield of intensity is of a supersegmental character in relation to the subfield of volition. The semantics of intensity in directive documents is transformed into the sphere of peremptoriness of volition and is graded according to the degree of its peremptoriness.Typical kinds of tonality of the executive branch directive documents are singled out: micro-subfields of enforcement and these of assertion / establishment. Lexical, morphological and syntactical specific features of their manifestation in speech are described. The interdependence of the fields is revealed: the higher the degree of peremptoriness of enforcement is, the less the micro-subfield of assertion / establishment is overt, while the stronger the semantics of assertion is, the less the peremptoriness of the directions given in a text becomes prominent. The genre compositional verbal models of tonality manifestation are analyzed in enactments, orders, assises, conclusions, instructions and directions.References
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