



cognitive modeling, representation of the concepts BELLEZA / FEALDAD, aesthetic categories, translation of the concept background, literary discourse, Mario Benedetti.


The article describes the application of the cognitive-discursive approach to translation of literary works demonstrated by the example of the translation of the short story La noche de los feos written by Mario Benedetti from Spanish into Russian. As an adequate way of the concept structural organization, the authors of the article consider a frame. The analysis of semantic correlation between the language representants of the concept makes it possible to build a mental scheme of the content-figurative material of the source text.The article provides definitions for the concepts of BELLEZA (beauty) and FEALDAD (ugliness), which are considered the key concepts of the story and are used by the writer to convey the aesthetic categories of the beautiful and the ugly. The researchers have applied the methods of definition and component analyses of language representants filling the slots of these concepts.Based on the research results, the authors of the article make a conclusion that the cognitive-discursive analysis, modeling of the sphere of concepts of the text, and the frame analysis of fundamental concepts implied by the author, applied together, can be viewed as an efficient method of solving the problem of text understanding and interpretation. This combination of methods for pre-translation analysis helps a translator to justify the decisions made and to translate a literary text with minimal losses in sense and fi­gurative language used by the author.

Author Biographies

Мария Алексеевна Хрусталева (Mariya A. Khrustaleva), Perm State University

Associate Professor it the Department of Linguistics and Translation

Марина Алексеевна Никитина (Marina A. Nikitina), Perm State University



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How to Cite

Хрусталева (Mariya A. Khrustaleva) М. А., & Никитина (Marina A. Nikitina) М. А. (2017). “THE BEAUTIFUL” AND “THE UGLY” IN THE MIRROR OF COGNITIVE-DISCURSIVE APPROACH TO TRANSLATION. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 9(3). https://doi.org/10.17072/2037-6681-2017-3-37-47




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