


Arabs, Arabic folklore, Arabic poetry, patriotism, pre-Islamic poetry, national liberation struggle.


The article investigates the Patriotic theme and the concept of ‘homeland’ in oral and folk poetry of the Arabs from pre-Islamic period of Ignorance to our time. The concept of a ‘native home, native land’, a sense of patriotism is known to, moreover, inherent in all peoples. However, their perception, forms of expression, depth, and prevalence may vary from ethnic group to ethnic group, from nation to nation, from person to person. Even a historical epoch can influence these concepts.In Arabic, the concept of ‘homeland’ has several characteristics. It is a territorial, or spatial, sign associated with the designation of the place of birth or residence. Moreover, there are socially marked signs representing deep awareness of unity, tribal spirit, loyalty to family (tribe). They are closely connected with moral values inherent in Arab mentality not only in traditions and the historical past but also in modern real life. There is also an emotive metaphorical designation of the concept ‘homeland’. Finally, it is characterized by ideological and political ideas evoked by the formation of the Arab national idea, the struggle for independence and the construction of independent states.The author shows how this concept, being always important, has been changing throughout the history of the development of Arab society. For the ancient Arabs, the concept ‘home, native land’ meant more their own tribe, place of pastures. Being in the Western areas of the Arab Caliphate, people from the East yearned for the Euphrates valley and palm groves on its banks. Later on, the concept ‘homeland’ in the mentality of the majority of the Arab peoples was associated not only with the homeland, but mostly with bloody wars with foreigners for freedom and independence. In Arabic poetry and folklore, the inability to live freely and act in accordance with the traditions of their ancestors on their land is often perceived by contemporary members of the Arabic intelligentsia as a national humiliation and oppression, crying out for vengeance and liberation. On the other hand, homeland is also a matter of pride for glorious achievements of the past, for the heroes who died in the struggle for their ideals, for their beauty and uniqueness. Therefore, the idea of protection of the native land, readiness to sacrifice for the sake of life permeates Arabic poetry, both ancient and modern.

Author Biography

Елена Владимировна Кухарева (Elena V. Kukhareva), MGIMO University

Associate Professor in the Department of Languages of the Countries of the Middle East


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How to Cite

Кухарева (Elena V. Kukhareva) Е. В. (2017). THE CONCEPT OF HOMELAND IN ARABIC ORAL AND FOLK POETRY. Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 9(3).

