The Language of Russian Social Advertising of the New Times(Based on Texts Devoted to the Special Military Operation)
social advertising; ideology; new state ideology; values; value-based meanings; mediatization; education.Abstract
The article analyzes the problem of linguistic originality of social advertising texts devoted to the topic of the special military operation (abbreviated as SVO) conducted by the Russian Federation in the territory of Ukraine. The research field also includes advertising texts concerning the events of the Great Patriotic War as a historical event closely related to the current military-political situation. The article aims to study the language and content of social advertising texts devoted to the SVO in order to identify the ideological implications contained in them. Research methods: basic principles of philosophy, sociology, media linguistics as well as the lexico-semantic and functional-stylistic methods. Results: the paper discusses different approaches to the concept of ‘ideology’ and presents it as socially, politically, and morally significant in the context of the Basic Law (Constitution) of the Russian Federation. Following an analysis of the results of globalization, digitalization, and mediatization in modern society, the conclusion is made about the negative consequences of the absence of formulated parameters of state ideology in the Basic Law. An analysis of the linguistic and content features of the texts, conducted through the prism of the problem of creating a new state ideology, showed the presence of a large ideological and educational potential in social advertising related to the SVO; the author comes to the conclusion about the lexical and polycode diversity of expression of historical and cultural ideological implications in the studied texts. In the conclusion of the article, it is stated that texts related to the SVO are directly involved in the process of search for the main values underlying the new Russian ideology.References
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