The Tart Taste of Salvation (on the Root -στυφ- as Used by Clement of Alexandria)




Clement of Alexandria; astringents; divine pedagogy; metaphor; penance.


For describing the opposite (punishing and encouraging) methods of divine pedagogy, Clement of Alexandria used metaphors related to taste and medicine. God appears to him to be not a strict judge, punishing sinners, but a caring and wise doctor, prescribing bitter/tart medicine for them. Clement compares harsh but salutary experiences (mental suffering, fear) with astringents. He interprets physical punishment, which is written about in the Book of Proverbs (Prov. 23:13-14), as moral. In his opinion, Hellenic philosophy formed and strengthened morals in advance (προ-τυποῦσα καὶ προ-στύφουσα) (Strom. I, 16, 80, 6), and he intends to reinforce those with the help of the divine Scriptures, using the latter as an astringent (ἐπι-στύψω) (Paed. III, 2, 9, 1). Wateriness (ὑδαρότης, ὑδαρές, ὑδατῶδες) in some cases is associated with depravity, and reproof is regarded as an astringent medicine, relieving of excessive liquid and designed to stop the spread of sinful ulcers. The Alexandrian theologian draws the readers’ attention to points that are important to him, using both verbal play (for example, ἐπιστῦφον… σταφυλῆς) and the polysemy of words (for example, the verb ἐπι-στύφειν has the meanings ‘to exert an astringent effect’ and ‘to reprove’. Clement was not the only one who wrote about the usefulness of censure and astringents. In this he followed in the footsteps of authors such as Plato and Plutarch. The perception of God as a Physician became characteristic of the Orthodox Church and influenced the understanding of the essence of penance, considered as the healing of the penitent.

Author Biography

Alexander Yu. Bratukhin, Perm State University

Professor in the Department of World Literature and Culture


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Osborn E. F. The Philosophy of Clement of Alexandria. Cambridge, University Press, 1957, XI. 199 p. (In Eng.)

Schmoller A. Handkonkordanz zum griechischen Neuen Testament [A Pocket Concordance to the Greek New Testament]. Stuttgart, Deutsch Bibelgesellschaft, 1994. 534 p. (In Ger.)



How to Cite

Bratukhin А. Ю. . (2023). The Tart Taste of Salvation (on the Root -στυφ- as Used by Clement of Alexandria). Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology, 15(4).

