Euphemisms for Occupational Titles in the Russian and Chinese Languages
euphemisms for occupational titles; reasons for the use of euphemisms; professional stratification; Russian language; Chinese language.Abstract
The article is devoted to euphemisms used for occupational titles in the Russian and Chinese languages. The study aims to clarify the definition of such euphemisms and to identify the reasons for their use. Descriptive and comparative research methods are employed in the work. Material for the study includes euphemisms themselves and theoretical studies on the process of euphemization. The article discusses the traditions in the study of euphemisms in Russian and Chinese linguistics, provides definitions of euphemisms in the Russian and Chinese languages, and explains the reasons why occupational titles are sometimes given euphemistic names. After determining the differences between the notions prestige and social status, the paper confirms, on the basis of the characteristics of euphemisms themselves, that it is prestige that acts as an indicator for evaluation of professions. The paper provides a scientific definition of euphemisms for occupational titles: as the reason for their appearance lies in social inequality, for designation of professions that are low in prestige there are used softened, positive or neutral words and expressions designed to improve the image of such areas of activity and reduce the negative emotions of workers employed in them. The study confirms that the reasons behind the use of euphemisms for occupational titles include: 1) politeness, 2) cooperation, 3) saving face, and 4) elimination of discrimination against people with non-prestigious professions. The study fills a gap in the theory of euphemisms used for occupational titles and provides a basis for their further study.References
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